Like the title says, please make sure to take the time to tell your loved ones how you feel and to show them through your actions. You never know when you won't be able to do so anymore.
Also, please make sure to have your legal arrangements in place (will, living will, power of attorney, etc.) and as difficult as it is discuss your and their wishes regarding end of life decisions. The one guarantee in life is that none of us will get out alive...
The love of my life for the past 24 years...
Oh man. So sorry. Glad you had a love of your life, some never get to have that. Whenever I loose someone, I try real berking hard to focus on gratitude, but it ain’t easy. Good luck, we’re all here if you need us.
So sad for your loss. Words cant help, only time.
I also want to thank you for reminding us that we should have our affairs in order to help those left behind get through what is already a devastating time.
Very sorry to hear this. Words do little to comfort in times like this, but know that you are in our thoughts and we are here for you.
I am so sorry for your loss. One small consolation is she had an incredible life.
My wife and I just signed our first wills an powers of attorney this past Friday.
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I am extremely lucky to have had 24 wonderful years with Michelle and to have a great support network of family and friends to help me during this difficult time. I am beginning to realize that the good of those years far outweighs the pain I am currently experiencing and that the pain will slowly diminish while the good will always be in my heart.
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