Do you find it extremely difficult or impossible to get into 1st while moving? Even a perfect rev match is unlikely to work. It seems to be getting worse on mine :(
This is the first car I've driven that gives trouble even with a proper rev match. The AE92 slips into 1st like butter if it's rev matched properly.
I don't have enough driving time under my belt yet to say for sure (it's not roadworthy yet and has only been driven in Gen's forest/meadow). I'll keep an eye on it though and see.
Really...I agree that most vehicles don't like it...I'd say especially if the synchros are relatively worn, they're just not going to want to drop it into first...since there's such a difference in velocities there.
Matching speeds can help, but I'd say it's a good possibility that the synchros are just worn a bit and it's something you're best just living with...
Some cars are just like that. My alfa is almost impossible to get into first gear when you are stopped, but its fine if it is rolling slowly.
Also...there's an outside chance that the clutch hydraulics need bled. Now that I mention it, I don't even know for sure if these things have a hydraulic clutch (see what I mean on lack of experience with the Samurai?) but I assume they do. It can't hurt to bleed it out with some fresh fluid...
Um, a lot of cars don't have a syncro on first gear. Not sure this is one of them, but Alfa's for sure are, as are most older cars. You don't need to be shifting into first except at a complete stop anyway. Rev matching will certainly help, I do it all the time with the Porsche.
On Alfa's, a good trick is to hit second briefly when going into first, even at a stop, it makes life much easier..
I'm relatively certain that all US spec samurais (and probably all of them) are well within the modern era of a synchronized first gear.
But yes...sometime in the 60's or early 70's (total educated guess on timeframe there) they phased those in. one of the upgrades over the years that I totally appreciate (unlike power windows, mirrors, and brakes)
With mine sometimes i have to shift 5-4-3-2-1 before it will go into first. Alfa transmissions need to be rebuilt about every 30k miles, and mine has about 70k on it, thats the real problem. lol
Nope, my Sammy is poifect. My 914 on the other hand just sucks big, dead stop, wiggle wiggle, pull, grinding noise, finally goes in. I adjusted the manual clutch cable and things got much better.
Now if you want to talk about Sammy's carb, slippery clutch or lack of hiway power grab a chair.
I would bleed the clutch hydraulics, if it hasn't been done in recent memory change out the fluid just because.
I think I was just flustered yesterday morning, I couldn't get it in for anything. Last night and this morning it was fine, it just requires a near-perfect rev match and that requires a calm focused mental state to pull off. My Samurai has a cable clutch, and it's not slippery (although it's been replaced recently)...does yours have a hydraulic clutch?
I have too many untitled pictues in my head. Sorry. Give the litte nut at the end of the cabe a few turns and see if that helps.
Ranger - hydraulic clutch
Sammy - cable
4-Runner - hydraulic
914 - cable
BMW bike - hydraulic
'Zuki bike - cable
Yami bike - foot.
You understand the confusion....
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