Not the members and such, but how the board itself operates. Please excuse the list, just easier for me to type this way.
After an update 3 weeks ago, the site is operating differently between my devices. Before the update, no matter what I was on, when I hit back from a thread to go back to latest topic page, it automatically refreshed the page. Now, it does on my tablet but not my laptop? Both running chrome... Is this supposed to happen? Did something unknowingly change on my laptop or is that just for mobile now?
Can I please have a link to the page for text editing in posts? Like bold, italics, color changes, whatever? I know it's out there somewhere but I haven't for the life of me been able to find it again. I'd just like to make my lists prettier, not really a big deal.
I was recently taught how to "follow" threads. Which could have it's benefits. But I'm confused. When I click on someone's name I can see what threads they are watching, but no where in my profile or dashboard or just clicking my name can I see the threads that I'm actually watching... Is there a way to see that that I just haven't found yet? It would make reference points or build threads a little easier to find instead of digging through days of posts to get back to them.
I actually solved this one myself, I was going to ask what the whole Amy thing was about, but tracked down an explanation thread. Depending on whose opinion I value more, the explanation thread was as good or better than the original thread, so that one is solved.
As you can tell from todays post count alone, I'm not doing well with this too wet to work outside crap today, so I might as well try to learn some stuff.
6/5/16 2:41 p.m.
The original amy thread was a thing of legend.
Much can be solved with "Jump To"
Under Jump To you will find your watch list as the last choice.
If you use Jump To get back to the Forum Sections you will get a refreshed page.
In reply to JohnRW1621:
I only clicked jumpto once when I first joined and saw it wasn't page numbers so I never looked at it again(I was attempting the read the whole hotlink thread but the first few hundred pages are missing a lot of pictures). I thought it was just the list from the forums page.
Toward the bottom of this page, you will see a pull down for "Preview".
Pull that down and you will find Syntax Guide but, it is easier to just use the row of icons above the smile faces
Jump To is pretty important and an easy way to move around the board.
The original Amy thread was pulled off the board. The legend is just as good as the story.
The first page on the hotlink thread is missing some statements from The Unintended Victim so it does not make perfect sense any longer. Many of those links won't last forever which was the original premises.
Thanks for the help. It's these simple things right in front of me that leave me swearing in the garage looking for the ratchet that's in my hand.
6/5/16 4:49 p.m.
It is POSSIBLE the Amy thread still exists, in a secure government facility, being carefully guarded by a Phantom Carnut. 
In reply to revrico:
I'll give you another hidden gem.
The board seems hard to do single spaced lines.
The reality is that you have to hit the space bar twice at the end of a line before hitting return.
In the sample above there are two space after every word before starting a new line.
While hunting through google, not knowing the original title, on the second or third page of links, is the beginning of my cars build thread from How and why I do not know, I just found it funny.
the forum has been crashing my chrome on iphone lately pretty frequently
Is jump to on mobile? Using chrome on iPhone I don't see it.
Nick (LUCAS) Comstock wrote:
In reply to Huckleberry:
#How do you do that?
If you want to see how any formatting you see is done, just click the "Quote" button, and it will show the text with the formatting commands.
Huckleberry wrote:
+ This
+ Is
+ How
+ You
+ List
You can also do lists this way:
Actually here's another question.. How can I fix the time zone? Well, more like Daylight Savings Time mode? The posting time stamp is an hour behind all my clocks. I haven't found a "settings" page or checkbox yet like on other boards.
In reply to revrico:
It seems the board is set in Central Time Zone and follows DST of Central Time Zone.
I have never seen a "user setting". I think it is an admin setting.
OK, I wasn't sure if it was me or the board.
Thanks for the tip on the "Jump To" buttuon