Gf and I started on Duolingo. Anyone else getting badgered by a bird? How long did you stick with it? How well did it help?
Lady and I are planning a trip to Florence next spring.
Wife has been doing it for about 6 weeks. I don't remember her mentioning being bothered by anything. She doesn't use the message area.
You better keep up with it
The GF and I have been kicking around learning Spanish since we live a very predominately Spanish-speaking area. Stack Social has the entire Babbel catalog with lifetime access for like $160. Seems like a good way to improve my social skills.
I have a friend who has a multi-year German streak. It's fascinating how well they have leveraged gamification.
Enjoy Florence!
I'm about 135 days into learning italian. So I know a few words now, but listening to native speakers is still greek to me..
I disabled all notifications, so no threatening messages from the bird 😄
lownslow said:Wife has been doing it for about 6 weeks. I don't remember her mentioning being bothered by anything. She doesn't use the message area.
More of a joke than anything. As some of the other posts here show, the notifications get a little weird if you dont put in the work.
If you wanna kill 5-10 minutes, google "duolingo memes"
My whole family is using duo. Three of us to learn Spanish but the fourth, my youngest daughter, is an epicurean sampling from every language duo offers. I don't know how much she gets from it but she can recognize, for example, Korean writing on a sign which is more than I can say for myself.
I've definitely expanded my Spanish vocabulary with it. I am not comfortable speaking it yet but I'll keep trying.
Learn to say "I want" and "I need" and add a noun. Make it a game to get what you want/need with these simple phrases. Works especially well in the bedroom. Congrats, you are communicating in a foreign language. Ensures that replies will be given at the same low-level. This is how babies learn to speak. Seems to work. Temper tantrum optional.
Actually speaking to someone is the hard part. I like the idea of an AI language experience. Is there one out there that actually speaks to you and responds to your efforts?
My whole family does Duolingo as well. I had a streak of over a year in German before they did a format change that pissed me off and I stopped using it.
The gamification definitely works and the premium is (was?) worth the money
I am on day 493 of French. I learned a ton, I had no French background at all. I can now read (poorly) but it's super helpful when I got to Montreal.
I took Spanish in high school and I think if I had done Spanish for as long as I've done French I would be almost fluent.
So I recommend it. But if you are traveling someplace learn to say "I don't speak PLACE, do you speak English, please" I'd also learn thank you and 1 beer please!
That has always worked for me.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
Sorry, I got excited for an opportunity to practice. As someone who has been using the green owl app for Italian for a while and has a degree in Spanish language/lit, I highly recommend:
In reply to Nicole Suddard :
A little early for me for some of those, but as I get more comfortable, definitely.
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