switched on the exhaust fan in master bath before dropping morning deuce, noticed a strange pop/crack sound from the fan. sat down, opened this forum, fan quit running but started making noise like bacon frying and smells like the start of an electrical fire. E36 M3 E36 M3 E36 M3 i'm gonna die on the toilet while my house burns down around me. jump up, pants up, switch off, wake up wife, run to garage to get step stool and fire bottle and a couple screwdrivers, run back upstairs, pull cover off fan, disconnect electrical connector behind cover, pry fan assembly out of ceiling, goddamn that berkeleyer's hot, put fan in sink, see tiny bit of smoke in duct but nothing's glowing and nothing feels hot, run back downstairs to get step ladder, run back upstairs with ladder, grab fire bottle, push attic access panel out of hole, clamber up into attic shirtless and barefoot, do the truss hustle to master bath vent duct, it's cool to the touch and i don't smell fire. relax for a moment, enjoy pre-sunrise cool air in attic, check duct again, still cool to the touch and i still don't smell anything. climb down out of attic, assure wife and kids that they are safe, shower and get dressed and go to work.
berkeleying hell, that was exciting!
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