aussiesmg wrote:madmallard wrote: excepting Iraq, we're pretty much the only one fighting. so no.Pretty much NOT the only ones, my nephew is in Afghanistan and has lost three mates in the past month. Aussies have fought in every conflict the US has been in since 1914, never forget your allies guys.
Even Nam?
neon4891 wrote:aussiesmg wrote:Even Nam?madmallard wrote: excepting Iraq, we're pretty much the only one fighting. so no.Pretty much NOT the only ones, my nephew is in Afghanistan and has lost three mates in the past month. Aussies have fought in every conflict the US has been in since 1914, never forget your allies guys.
~50,000 served, 530 KIA IIRC.
Latest rumors running around the news channels: the Libyan 'rebels' are allegedly linked to al Quaeda. Now ain't that funny; we could be helping the very people who have sworn to wipe us off the face of the planet.
Curmudgeon wrote: Latest rumors running around the news channels: the Libyan 'rebels' are allegedly linked to al Quaeda.
You mean, They actually DID put drugs in peoples NESCAFE?
Curmudgeon wrote: Every Prez gets handed a E36 M3 sandwich.
You have a point to a certain extent, especially with foreign affairs, but this handover was particularly rough on the domestic front. You have to admit the economic situation that we are in drove people into some kind of a crazy tizzy, which has now turned into the last gasp of the old male WASP's who realize this country is changing and they don't like it by gum.
The Aussies have always helped us. And Hayden has a nice rifle. Very expensive over here.
Kadaffy said near the start of this fiasco, hereafter referred to as Obama's War, that it was al quaeda that would take up control of the country if he stepped down or was pushed out. As has been my observation previously, EVERYTHING The O does hurts our country. This is no exception, and I kinda suspect BP is involved in this somehow too.
Did you notice when Kadaffy said that all the allied forces went....."Wait, err did somebody call me from home, coming honey."
Nobody has actually and forcefully denied it.
aussiesmg wrote:madmallard wrote: excepting Iraq, we're pretty much the only one fighting. so no.Pretty much NOT the only ones, my nephew is in Afghanistan and has lost three mates in the past month. Aussies have fought in every conflict the US has been in since 1914, never forget your allies guys.
Not to mention they are currently assigned in several exhange tours here in the US, so they are actively defending our freedom as we speak. The Aussies are the ONLY allies that have backed every move we have made. There is a reason we don't have a large presence in the southern pacific; we don't need one. The crew from Oz has it on lock down.
I really see this as a test as to how much he can get away with. How many other countries can he help for "humanitarian" reasons? I personally believe the intent is to use this same excuse to punish Isreal the next time something happens in Gaza. There are people in his administration that are not all that fond of our "position" regarding Isreal, including some that promoted this response. Maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't really see a very good reason for our involvement here and not other places. Here we have a pretty good chance of nothing really bad happening because Lybia is no real threat. It's sort of a slam dunk in terms of bombing with no repercussions, and a good test of fallout politically.
It does irk me that he has yet to come out and explain in his, or Soros', own words what the real mission is.
My new favorite saying is "Obama is not a real president, he only plays one on TV." And while I was no real "W" fan, he's looking better everyday.
poopshovel wrote:aussiesmg wrote:Get me that badass's address so I can send him a Hong shirt.My Aussie nephew Hayden, my hero Neon this link is to the Australian War Memorial and shows the casualty count for Vietnam
Don't have a shirt to send but he has my heartfelt thanks. He needs to get home safe.
News this AM was that we (the U.S.) were attacking K's tanks and artillery. I guess that's to make sure the tanks don't fly through the "no fly" zone.
Read an interesting article on The O's boss here:
Starts to make more sense when you put the little pieces together. Unfortunately, it's our children and friends that have to die for it.
The stats are that 1 in 5 Al queda fighters we are playing with in Iraq were from Libya.. specifically from the home base of this "rebels" that were are saving from Qaddafi...
Uh-oh. This wasn't supposed to happen...
I cannot believe that after 6 pages no one has quoted the Big O himself.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation... --Senator Barack H. Obama, December 20, 2007
Do as I say, not as I do?
What frustrates me constantly is that a commonly stated position by the left is that the US Military can't be the world's police.... would be helpful if the democrats directing the military didn't treat them like police and instead treated them like a military...
Uh oh. Looks like this may be Obama's Bay of Pigs or Iran-Contra.... dare I say Iraq?
*WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday.
Obama signed the order, known as a presidential "finding", within the last two or three weeks, according to government sources familiar with the matter.
Such findings are a principal form of presidential directive used to authorize secret operations by the Central Intelligence Agency. This is a necessary legal step before such action can take place but does not mean that it will.
As is common practice for this and all administrations, I am not going to comment on intelligence matters," White House spokesman Jay Carney said in a statement. "I will reiterate what the president said yesterday -- no decision has been made about providing arms to the opposition or to any group in Libya."*
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