I figured I'd write a 3 month update from when we moved cross country and started over in Cleveland.
I have a 1989 VW Jetta. It's dirt cheap and gets a million miles per gallon, and hopefully next month I'll start autocrossing again, after a 20 year hiatus. I'd like to try rallycrossing as well. I have a build thread for it. It's slowly getting there.
Now that I've been at my new job for 3 months, my boss sat me down for my 90 day review. He said I was doing great and he's glad he hired me, and everyone that works with me had nothing but positive things to say about me. He's heard me converse about moving elsewhere a few years in the future and told me he wants me to stay, and gave me a 20% raise. I am so glad I finally started working in the IT field, and I love this job. Great company, too. And awesome coworkers.
The Wife is now 7 months pregnant and the size of a beachball. Our son is doing great, he's big and moves and kicks constantly, which means he's strong and healthy. I'm still somewhere between terrified and excited for him to be here. I believe we have 80 days left. Our apartment is full of baby books, bottles, bibs, blankets, and bins full of diapers, wipes, and clothes. We're about as ready as people can be.
Currently maintaining a 4.0 in school as well, studying network security. Boring, but looks great on a resume.
We still have that dream of moving to Montreal and I think it would be better for our son, but that's a difficult and expensive move. We've started looking at places in America and had our hearts settled on Ithaca, NY. Then I got a raise, realized I have an excellent job/workplace, and a friend of my wife's recently bought a house in an incredible neighborhood here for $130K, so now we know the deals are around. So it looks like we're going to stay in this area.
All in all, we've successfully overcome our hurdles from our stint in Florida, and we're solidly on the path to building a great life for ourselves.