I was just browsing around on the web getting comparison prices on our products. Clicked on a site for G4-HDE, which is our main DVR. This iste wanted to sell me a web site for G4-HDE. No, not what I want. But, my facebook picture was shown!!! How in the HELL did they do that?? It was www.hde.website.tc.
That little widget is actually loaded directly from facebook. They've got cookies on your computer, so when they get a request for that widget, they know it's from you.
No me gusta.
Disable all of your Facebook apps from inside your profile. They only exist to gather information about where you spend your time on the internet and who you know. Especially the games and quizzes that seem so innocent.
Also, disable the ability to sign in to other sites using your Facebook account. See above for reasoning.
I knew there was a reason why I never use Facebook. All the rest of my family uses it to get out the latest news...so I'm always in the dark.
It's not impossible to control the level of privacy you have on Facebook, but they (FB HQ) make it difficult, and ever-changing. Once you get to know some of the tricks, though, it becomes second nature.
I really like Facebook as a tool. I rather dislike Facebook as a company, and their practices and policies. But I figure I'm one of the few users not making them money - maybe costing them money - so berkeley 'em.
alex wrote: Disable *all* of your Facebook apps from inside your profile. They only exist to gather information about where you spend your time on the internet and who you know. Especially the games and quizzes that seem so innocent. Also, disable the ability to sign in to other sites using your Facebook account. See above for reasoning.
How do I do this. I have a FH account but never use it. Maybe I should just kill it.
DrBoost wrote:alex wrote: Disable *all* of your Facebook apps from inside your profile. They only exist to gather information about where you spend your time on the internet and who you know. Especially the games and quizzes that seem so innocent. Also, disable the ability to sign in to other sites using your Facebook account. See above for reasoning.How do I do this. I have a FH account but never use it. Maybe I should just kill it.
Accounts > Privacy Settings > Apps & Websites
Actually, it would be a good idea to stroll through all the options in Privacy Settings to tailor it to your particular desires.
And if you do want to kill it (I won't try to talk you out of it - I get it), be sure to look up the way to really and thoroughly do it. I don't know it offhand, but I know they make actually deleting your account pretty damned difficult.
Any site linked to FB will have your icon and that mssg box, no biggie, cookies are everywhere unless you opt out. I like how Summit Racing, Amazon, AA, AZ, ebay etc. remembers the stuff I look at, it's just a tool to avoid repetitive searches for me. So, 'they' know I like car stuff, BFD. My FB is for family, co-workers and close friends only, you can block any outsiders in your FB preferences.
alex wrote:DrBoost wrote:Accounts > Privacy Settings > Apps & Websites Actually, it would be a good idea to stroll through all the options in Privacy Settings to tailor it to your particular desires. And if you do want to kill it (I won't try to talk you out of it - I get it), be sure to look up the way to really and thoroughly do it. I don't know it offhand, but I know they make *actually* deleting your account pretty damned difficult.alex wrote: Disable *all* of your Facebook apps from inside your profile. They only exist to gather information about where you spend your time on the internet and who you know. Especially the games and quizzes that seem so innocent. Also, disable the ability to sign in to other sites using your Facebook account. See above for reasoning.How do I do this. I have a FH account but never use it. Maybe I should just kill it.
He's right, if you just disable it, it will be back there (with all of the same friends etc) if you reactivate it. Spooky.
I think I deleted my account
Facebook has agreed to implement new policies to better protect its users' privacy following a complaint from the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic. Facebook began negotiating with the Canadian government over changes to its privacy policies after a report by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner last month found that its existing policies violated the Personal Information and Protection and Electronic Documents Act. The Commission, acting on a complaint made by the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic at the University of Ottawa, found that Facebook often provided "confusing or incomplete" information about its handling of user information and privacy issues. As a result, Facebook has agreed to change certain aspects of its operation: It will no longer allow third-party applications like games and quizzes to access user information without "express consent for each category of personal information"; users will now be able to either deactivate or delete their accounts, with all information in deleted accounts being entirely and permanently removed; reminders will be issued to users that they need permission before posting information about non-users; and its privacy policy will be updated to note that profiles of dead users will be kept so friends can "pay tribute."
The funny thing is, there was a pic of my wife at the bottom of the article, from guess where?
Zomby woof wrote: I think I deleted my account
Unless you went thru the exact procedure they hide (google "permanently delete facebook account") and then didn't accidentally click on anything that auto-logged you in over the last 14 days then you are probably wrong.
Yes, that's exactly how I did it. It's not hard to find at all.
I have never been auto-logged into my account ever.
How come I never knew about any of this? How many MILLIONS of others are blissfully facebooking away? Arrgghh.
cwh wrote: How come I never knew about any of this? How many MILLIONS of others are blissfully facebooking away? Arrgghh.
[Morpheus]Another one has been awakened...[/Morpheus]
GameboyRMH wrote:cwh wrote: How come I never knew about any of this? How many MILLIONS of others are blissfully facebooking away? Arrgghh.[Morpheus]Another one has been awakened...[/Morpheus]
[Agent Zuckerberg]Give him the blue pill, stat [/Agent Zuckerberg]
Yeah, I think I created a FB account back in September.
I deactivated it around Christmas. I need to go permanently delete it, thanks for the reminder.
If I really cared about any of those people I'd call them.
You'll need to log in to post.