wbjones wrote: mine was the so-called non-reversible ... section cut out and cauterized on both ends ( both tubes )
Yep. Mine too.
Don't believe everything you hear.
wbjones wrote: mine was the so-called non-reversible ... section cut out and cauterized on both ends ( both tubes )
Yep. Mine too.
Don't believe everything you hear.
I'm still waiting for the male birth control pill that I heard about awhile back.
Basically, they claimed it would drastically lower sperm count and destroy the mobility of the remnants.
They were claiming that it would be 100% effective, and reversible just a couple weeks after you stopped taking the pills.
Still no word on FDA trials or anything, though.
Seemingly simple question...I'm looking to get this done soon. Where does one start? PCP for a referral? Call a urologist's office? Advice on what to ask for? Really, I should start a "Please beseech thy wisdom on vesectomy" thread, but as everyone is already here, what do I need to know, assuming that I am sure I want it done and want it permanent.
Sonic wrote: Seemingly simple question...I'm looking to get this done soon. Where does one start? PCP for a referral? Call a urologist's office? Advice on what to ask for? Really, I should start a "Please beseech thy wisdom on vesectomy" thread, but as everyone is already here, what do I need to know, assuming that I am sure I want it done and want it permanent.
Mine started with a call to a urologists office (happened to be one my wife was familiar with due to kidney issues, YMMV) and an appt for the consult. Filled out some paperwork, he felt the old twig and berries to make sure I didn't have Chuck Norris syndrome, and we set up an appointment to do the deed. I think I was in that office for about 30min.
mndsm wrote:Sonic wrote: Seemingly simple question...I'm looking to get this done soon. Where does one start? PCP for a referral? Call a urologist's office? Advice on what to ask for? Really, I should start a "Please beseech thy wisdom on vesectomy" thread, but as everyone is already here, what do I need to know, assuming that I am sure I want it done and want it permanent.Mine started with a call to a urologists office (happened to be one my wife was familiar with due to kidney issues, YMMV) and an appt for the consult. Filled out some paperwork, he felt the old twig and berries to make sure I didn't have Chuck Norris syndrome, and we set up an appointment to do the deed. I think I was in that office for about 30min.
yeah, this.
mndsm wrote: ...he felt the old twig and berries in that office for about 30min.
Sorry, my brain just laced together these parts of your story and I laughed. Sorry.
I really need to do this. I love the kids I already have but I am pleased they are old enough to mow the lawn. An accidental stork visit would send me to the looney bin.
Had mine done on a Friday, rested over the weekend, flew to Florida on Monday, played TPC - Sawgrass that afternoon. Man up (pun intended).
I don't think it's a good idea if you're in your 20's or 30's, but for us old farts who know we ain't wanting more kids, there are certain upsides in teh spousal gratitude department. Other than that, aside from the scary pre-snip research and a certain amount of anxiety, the whole experience didn't make a vas deferens to me....bwa ha ha
Jay_W wrote: ... there are certain upsides in teh spousal gratitude department. ...
As I noted earlier, not always.
It often leads to a sort of grieving on the part of some women that they'll never be a mommy again, which can ruin a sex life. Hurt ours for a decade.
It improves some people's sex lives. It hurts some people's sex lives. Don't assume you know the outcome on this one.
Appleseed wrote:mndsm wrote: ...he felt the old twig and berries in that office for about 30min.Sorry, my brain just laced together these parts of your story and I laughed. Sorry.![]()
No worries, he bought me dinner first. I went and saw a massage therapist later that day, and was standing in the room getting undressed (full body requires naked) and thought to myself "This is the second time today I've taken my pants off in someone elses office, and I've not even been home yet".
As far as the people that are concerned with me being relatively young (33 as of this post) and having it done- I'ma drop some words on you. My wife has both renal-tubular acidosis ( a kidney condition that causes hundreds of kidney stones) and PCOS (Poly-cystic ovaries). To say the last pregnancy was difficult, is a bit of an understatement. We were both under the impression as told by a professional real live doctor that due to her body and her issues, she would more or less be unable to get pregnant without help. IE in vitro, etc. So we had written it off. Well as you all well know, sometimes the world has other plans. the entire pregnancy was a mess- see my previous posts for details on that. We had him at Childrens, simply because we did NOT know what was going to happen, and they have the NICU. Fortunately we were gifted with a perfectly healthy little boy, who is thriving. Given what we had to deal with during the previous pregnancy and subsequent c-section, we are not doing this again. It's entirely too much of a risk, and couple that with the fact that I became recently unemployed, we have a 15 month old that would be VERY difficult to cope with during another HR pregnancy, and the fact that she can't really do any conventional forms of female birth control due to hormonal issues- this is the logical solution.
All in all, it works for me. It might not for others. It's not a decision I've just sort of gone with, we've both discussed it, and one is MORE than enough for us. And those with small kids know, sometimes you got about 5min to knock out some action as it were, not always time to find a condom, or the place to be able to acquire one. This solves that problem.
When you go for your referral -- dress up.
You want to look
Ha ha.
Mine's done. But circumstances have changed. Maybe time to reconnect the plumbing.
And the deed is done. I'm glad i listened to you instead of the internet. it was quick, relatively painless, and all is well with the world. Now is the countdown until I can share my newfound freedom with my wife. Repeatedly.
Am I the only one that got goosebumps from this thread? Literally sort of shaking. Probably going to have this done some time this summer.
sachilles wrote: Am I the only one that got goosebumps from this thread? Literally sort of shaking. Probably going to have this done some time this summer.
For what reason?
I saw this last night, highly relevant. I'm going to have to be doing this procedure soon too...
HAH! I saw it on Adult Swim last night too- I was like REALLY? You're gonna play THIS of all the episodes right before i go get one?
Is it too early for a New Year's Resolution? 2013 is the year.
ValueDaughter was more or less planned, just wished we had to try a little harder. ValueSon was a complete surprise out of the blue, and while he's a great little kid, we're financially crippled. The wife and I agree that #3 would be "it's time to call someone for state assistance", and there's no feasible way to make it work.
I'm 29, she's 36. I think we're all done. If we're in a better spot in a decade, there's always adoption.
If you can't use any headache medication. The best cure for a headache is sex.... Lots of sex!!! Contrary to popular belief.. Although this may be counter productive regarding your goal..
That's all I have to add to this conversation.
Spinout007 wrote: http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sdo/3148365387.html That's all I have to add to this conversation.![]()
That's not how mine went. Some pain, for sure, but nothing like that, and they never taped anything, and they didn't use peroxide, but warm iodine. The worst part of that was the Dr. carefully brushed it around everything, looked at half of the cup left over, and just poured it on. I had iodine-butt, and it felt weird, but that's it.
It's been 10 days now almost exactly, and other than getting kicked this morning in the left by a wrestling 4 year old, it feels fine. No real discomfort to speak of. I even got my cups a few days ago. That'll be fun.
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