RevRico said:I'll see it on cable in 2 years, maybe. After George Lucas ruined star wars with his prequel trilogy, getting Disney's profits uber alles hands on it has done no favors to the series, just adding to the list of pointless garbage sequels instead of original ideas.
Have you seen the 3rd trailer?
Appleseed said:I'll see it opening day, just like the last 5 that have come out.
THIS. Yet another trailer that made my nether regions tingly.
I know people love to hate popular things. I know they have the interwebs to espouse this hatred at will. I just don't get it. You don't like it? Fine, don't go watch it. Your choice. But stop running it down and trying to make those of us that are excited to see another movie with characters that we enjoy. Go be angry somewhere else.
I also love the prequels. They had their purpose and were a nice way to spend a couple hours.
In reply to Bobzilla :
George Lucas: I'll make the prequels to the 4,5,6 trilogy something different and original in the Star Wars Universe.
Internet Fanbois: The prequels suck because they aren't the Star Wars we wanted to see.
Disney/JJ Abrams: The fans hated the prequels because they weren't Star Wars enough, so we will make TFA more like the original Star Wars.
Internet Fanbois: TFA sucked because it was just like A New Hope! There is nothing original in Star Wars!
Boy, some of yall have so much anger about things that have NOTHING to do with your life. Avoid it, be happier.
Bobzilla said:I know people love to hate popular things. I know they have the interwebs to espouse this hatred at will. I just don't get it. You don't like it? Fine, don't go watch it. Your choice. But stop running it down and trying to make those of us that are excited to see another movie with characters that we enjoy. Go be angry somewhere else.
You think Star Wars is bad, try admitting you enjoy the Fast and Furious movies!
In reply to logdog :
The movies are bad (F&F) but the hatred they bring out is not because of their cinematic lack of excellence. It's more the idiots that treat them as gospel.
914Driver said:Carrie Fisher didn't look good......
She was SIXTY YEARS OLD! Time ravages us all, and to critizise someone for not "looking good" when they're 60 is just ridiculous.
I probably won't be there opening night, but I'll be seeing it in the theater soon after it comes out.
Over the weekend, TNT had episodes 1-6 going in a marathon. My wife mentioned that we've never watched 1-7 in that order, so after talking about it, we skipped 1 and started at 2. We made it through 2 and 3 and she got bored (don't blame her one bit!).
Then, I made the executive decision to watch Rogue One in between 3 and 4. It was the 1st time since watching it in the theater, and I liked it even more. The wife skipped it when it was in the theater, claiming "That's not REAL Star Wars!" She actually liked it as well. We stopped there, so we will be watching Episodes 4-7 over the next week or so.
I like Star Wars (like A LOT), but I'm still more of a Star Trek guy. I know way too much about Star Trek, to the point where I was sitting on the couch arguing with myself about canonical details brought up during the latest episode of Discovery.
914Driver said:Carrie Fisher didn't look good......
Yeah, because that's what is important for her roll in this movie.
I mean her character's been through hell, her husband was killed by her son who is still ravaging the galaxy like her father did. Oh and her brother? He's disappeared. So she's all alone, trying to lead the galaxy into peace and dealing with all of the different factions and their overlapping needs and demands.
BTW, She was over sixty years old and died not long after filming wrapped. She's had a rough life and she wrestled her demons all her life, unfortunately they won.
Bobzilla said:In reply to logdog :
The movies are bad (F&F) but the hatred they bring out is not because of their cinematic lack of excellence. It's more the idiots that treat them as gospel.
The same could easily be said for Star Wars.
I'll see it. In a year. When it's on the delta in flight studio. Cause that's where I watch all my movies.
Appleseed said:Bobzilla said:In reply to logdog :
The movies are bad (F&F) but the hatred they bring out is not because of their cinematic lack of excellence. It's more the idiots that treat them as gospel.
The same could easily be said for Star Wars.
Wait, there are real light sabers and space ships that we can hop into? Why wasn't I made aware of this? Not even close to the same. F&F fanbois can go add wangs to their civic, fart cans and "street race" all day long. I can't exactly go paint my Tie Fighter bright pink and shoot down rebel x-wings.
Appleseed said:Bobzilla said:In reply to logdog :
The movies are bad (F&F) but the hatred they bring out is not because of their cinematic lack of excellence. It's more the idiots that treat them as gospel.
The same could easily be said for Star Wars.
The same is EASILY said about Star Wars. They were the pinacle of awesome sauce when I was 10 but they were never any good. I re-watched them with my kids and the originals are kinda ok but not really great. The three that followed are cringe-worthy. The new ones are fine I guess but the magic is gone for me.
Now, the Clone Wars animated series... I thought was fantastic so it's not ALL Star Wars I plan to make fun of relentlessly - just the big screen ones :)
I just think there's much better sci-fi deserVing of a movie than "the continuing tales of Anakin Skywalker".
Like the Xeelee chronicles or the alternate earth trilogy from Stephen Baxter. Even Moonseed would be a great one off. The Photino birds, the Baryonic vs Dark matter wars, cosmic string manipulation, that would make a great movie, especially after what was it Gravity or Interstellar? that the astronaut was communicating to his daughter through Morse code in gravitational waves kind of broke through the "intelligent" barrier.
Heck, give me another hitchhikers guide movie finally, that's a dries that truly is deserving of the big screen, even all these years after Douglas Adams passing.
Instead, we get another set of movies with a new cute/annoying cgi character(because it worked so well with jarjar after all), telling essentially Anakin part 2, with random one off bits from canon thrown in to keep people lining up around the block every winter because, well just because really.
Of course I have a rather enormous problem with Hollywood as a whole from production to distribution and beyond, so maybe I'm overly jaded and just being picky.
The Fast &Furious doesn't have a recognized religion based on it. Star Wars does.
Realize, I love Star Wars. You can take them as serious or not as serious as you want. Just because X-Wings and light sabres don't exist in our reality, beyond movie props, doesn't mean a fan can't or won't obsess over them. To some, that's part of the fun.
In reply to 914Driver :
I may be the only one, but I don't think she EVER looked good...
I'll be in a theater as soon as I can manage to watch this. Unashamed lifelong fan. Glad that disney bought it out, as most of their movies have been awesome. I had high hopes for star wars by disney ever since it was announced just from remembering how amazed I was by the first pirates movie 15 years ago. Two movies in and at least three more to go and I haven't lost the faith.
George Lucas on the other hand, well.... I didn't LOVE the prequils, nor did I hate them but after what he and Steven did to Indiana, I don't think there is a circle of hell deep enough for that chinless wonder.
Bobzilla said:I know people love to hate popular things. I know they have the interwebs to espouse this hatred at will. I just don't get it. You don't like it? Fine, don't go watch it. Your choice. But stop running it down and trying to make those of us that are excited to see another movie with characters that we enjoy. Go be angry somewhere else.
I also love the prequels. They had their purpose and were a nice way to spend a couple hours.
Yes. Even the prequels, which are admittedly lacking. Myself, I just spent $75 on two autographed pieces at the local vintage toy store (David Prowse Pop-like figure and Peter Mayhew action figure) last weekend. should see my living room and office. SWMBO just texted me that our tickets for Saturday noon showing are purchased.
Already bought my tickets for the Friday night. There's six of us going together. Yup...I'm still a nerd.
Jerry said:So much negativity over a fun movie that's 2 months out...
Myself I'm debating between Friday evening or Saturday morning opening weekend viewings.
That quote is actually worth mentioning because of the line where Luke says "I've seen this power once before. It didn't scare me then, it does now." Careful there, Luke
Bobzilla said:I know people love to hate popular things. I know they have the interwebs to espouse this hatred at will. I just don't get it. You don't like it? Fine, don't go watch it. Your choice. But stop running it down and trying to make those of us that are excited to see another movie with characters that we enjoy. Go be angry somewhere else.
I also love the prequels. They had their purpose and were a nice way to spend a couple hours.
One thing I would like to point out WRT comments like this- don't confuse disappointment with hate.
I remember going to Star Wars when I just turned 10, and then going to a record shop to get the sound track, which I played over and over again. I love Star Wars.
My feeling is more disappointment that it seems to be the same story with just different people. I was hoping for more.
NickD said:That quote is actually worth mentioning because of the line where Luke says "I've seen this power once before. It didn't scare me then, it does now." Careful there, Luke
This movie seems to be asking the same question some fans have been asking: Did the Jedi actually do the galaxy any good, or was their questionable method of protecting the Republic something that actually contributed to the rise of the Empire? Has the Force really been more of a force for evil all along? If the movie really does ask this question and look at it honestly, it could be very interesting.
I also have to wonder if Princess Leia survives this one. Particularly since they may have wanted to edit it to provide an explanation for why she won't be back.
Kylo Ren may be pretty accurately described as "Emo Vader", but I think he was a good choice of villain for the sequels. Unless they'd gone to great lengths to explain why the bad guys don't have anyone with Force powers on their side (come to think of it, a faction that wants to exterminate all Force sensitive life might have been interesting too!), the main bad guy who uses the Force was pretty much guaranteed to be branded a Darth Vader wannabe. Darth Vader is a tough act to follow. So the writers took the idea of a literal Darth Vader wannabe, and ran with it.
MadScientistMatt said:I also have to wonder if Princess Leia survives this one. Particularly since they may have wanted to edit it to provide an explanation for why she won't be back.
I would have thought that real life has dictated whether Princes Leia survives or not. Unless they want to do a crappy CGI on an aging Carrie Fisher face, I guess. Sad to say, she is gone, IMHO.
Maybe since he killed dad in the previous movie, he does the same for mom, which makes us question more whether the good side has any merit or not. That specific debate seems very front and center based on the trailer. Just like it does for the woman. (Just like Return of the Jedi, disappointingly)
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