I mentioned we have a shop dumbass in the minor rant thread. Last week I witnessed the most hilarious exchange and thought I would share it with you. I'm sure some of you can relate. I think for this story we'll call the dumbass Bobo.
So part of Bobo's job is to cut a groove in the back of certain pieces and glue in a reinforcing rod. This is not a very difficult job but Bobo finds a way to get it wrong 90% of the time.
The boss comes over to Bobo with a couple of small pieces. He tells him that he needs a couple grooves cut in the back and they have to be exact. He's doing something special with them and he reiterates that it's imperative that these cuts are straight and exact. He says he's in a rush for them. He gives him some measurements and walks away.
I watch with great amusement as Bobo scratches his head for about three minutes and fiddles with his tape measure. Now marking and cutting a couple grooves should only take about three minutes. And sure enough the boss comes running back around the corner screaming why hasn't he heard the saw yet.
Bobo says "I uh, I forgot the measurements you told me".
I volunteer "You know he can't read a tape measure, want me to do it"?
Boss says "Here I'll mark it for you".
So as the boss starts marking the pieces, Bobo walks over to grab the saw. As he is walking back he trips and drops the saw bending the fence and breaking off the set screw. I, being the shop shiny happy person, bust out laughing.
The boss spends about twenty minutes trying to fix the saw. Having no luck drilling and tapping for a new set screw he finally breaks up some wood shims and jams them into the new fence, hands it to Bobo and walks off.
I'm thinking this isn't going to end well.
Bobo fiddles around with it for a couple more minutes then finally starts cutting. He then stops, right in the middle of doing this job that the boss was in a rush for almost a half hour ago, to go use the restroom. Fifteen minutes later he comes back and finishes the cuts.
He takes them over to the boss's truck and walks away.
Boss comes out and starts cussing and throwing his arms up and down. I knew without even looking what happened. Bobo can cut a straight line. I've seen him do it before. But if you tell him it has to be straight it's going to come out looking like /. Guaranteed. Every time.
I had to go see what it looked like.
After all the talk of how important that the cuts be right on the marks.
Almost an hour into at most five minute job.
This is the results.
I think the berkeleyer closed his eyes.
Ok, call me stupid but unless you're freehanding that E36 M3 with a router, my understanding of saws for that job make it nearly impossible to do what he did.
In reply to mndsm:
When you don't break them they work pretty good. He blamed it on the bosses wood shim hack. I blame it on him dropping the saw and breaking it. Plus the fact that he is the single most infuriatingly incompetent person I have ever met in my life.
I blame that cut on the boss. If you have an employee like that you need to only give them jobs they can handle.
I blame that cut on Coltons mom. She shouldve rolled over and said "I have a headache". Berk Colton.
Enjoy these moments. Incompetence is common, but that level is special, and it will be a long time until you meet another person with that kind of talent. Tell him to just stand there and obey the law of gravity, and see if that berkeleyer doesnt float away.
D2W wrote: I blame that cut on the boss. If you have an employee like that you need to only give them jobs they can handle.
I know it and the boss knows it too. I could tell he was in a rush, that's why I volunteered to do it. They won't fire him for whatever reason and have tasked me with trying to keep him doing something productive all day. If you don't keep a close eye on him he'll disappear and hide. He is worthless as an employee but it does have it's moments of hilarity.
4cylndrfury wrote: I blame that cut on Coltons mom. She shouldve rolled over and said "I have a headache". Berk Colton.
I told someone the other day that if I could go back in time I would go find his mom at the first moment that she even thought about having kids and slap the E36 M3 out of her.
D2W wrote: I blame that cut on the boss. If you have an employee like that you need to only give them jobs they can handle.
Broom handle, mop handle, floor squeegee handle...
TenToeTurbo wrote:D2W wrote: I blame that cut on the boss. If you have an employee like that you need to only give them jobs they can handle.Broom handle, mop handle, floor squeegee handle...
I laughed out loud
My laborers kept breaking shovel handles. I took the spade and welded a piece of galvanized pipe into to. Its heavy, they are much more careful with the shovels now because no one wants to have to use that one.
Nick, I worry about your posting stuff like this to teh Intr4w3bz, y0. I don't want you to get into trouble at work. The Net is permanent. "Can't stop the signal, Mal."
And, yeah, boss' fault for not giving him jobs he can handle.
4cylndrfury wrote: I blame that cut on Coltons mom. She shouldve rolled over and said "I have a headache". Berk Colton.
All Colton's mom wanted was a back rub.
In reply to Dr. Hess:
Believe me, I'm much worse with him in person than I have been in here. It's not because he's dumb or slow. He just acts that way to get out of work. He's more than capable of doing anything we do here in the shop. The mother berkeleyer went to Notre Dame for Christ's sake. When we have a company meeting at the end when they ask if anyone has any questions or requests they say "no Nick, we aren't firing Bobo today".
Nick (Bo) Comstock wrote: In reply to Dr. Hess: Believe me, I'm much worse with him in person than I have been in here. It's not because he's dumb or slow. He just acts that way to get out of work. He's more than capable of doing anything we do here in the shop. The mother berkeleyer went to Notre Dame for Christ's sake. When we have a company meeting at the end when they ask if anyone has any questions or requests they say "no Nick, we aren't firing Bobo today".
You just described like 50% of the people I've worked with in all branches of our fine military
There are Bobo Colton's on every base. Work would suck without them lol!
In reply to mndsm:
Colton is the kind of guy who aspires to one day own a Chevy Cobalt. And not even an SS at that.
mndsm wrote: For once I have no idea what's going on. Who the berkeley is Colton?
Some weeks back, someone posted something fairly hilarious about a dolt named Colton, and so that name has stuck as a non-official GRM filter for those displaying douchebagesque tendencies
Given the brief description I've given. Anyone care to take a guess at how old he is? Or possibly what type of car he drives?
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