TIL ALWAYS check the packaging for all the parts.
Finally changed the hatch struts on the FX16. Best mod ever!!!
But 30 years ago the ball ends were pressed into the support strut. How do I get those pesky things out....grinder!!! Ground the housing down so I could push out the retaining ring. Had to be careful not to damage the ball end.
Finally got them out for installing the new strut supports.
When the job was done and I was cleaning up I noticed there was something in the bottom of the packaging. DUH!
Nick (Bo) Comstock wrote:
Had a tamale for the first time in my life today.
TIL that tamales are way overrated.
You did remove the corn husk; right?
Was it cooked by a real Mexican? In a bag in the frozen food section is not authentic.
TIL Barry Manilow has been lying to us.
Wall-e wrote:
TIL Barry Manilow has been lying to us.
Probably why Mandy sent him away...
In reply to Woody:
I always thought he pushed her away when he realized she wasn't Brandy.
In reply to Appleseed:
Yes. There are plenty of real Mexicans around here in Texas. It's like this was once Mexico it something. It was made by Mexicans, bought by a Mexican and given to me by said Mexican when I said I'd never had one. It was a proper tamale.
I just don't think it lived up to all the hype.
T I L: SWMBO will never get it when it comes to handling money.
There is only one right way to handle this particular situation, everyone has explained to her how to do it, and why any other approach doesn't work. Numbers have been shown, pictures have been drawn. Still she digs deeper and insists that it's not a problem.
If she wants to keep a roof over her head she better just keep her mouth shut and hands in her pockets and let me do it without interfering.
....Now where is that high blood pressure thread....
Nick (Bo) Comstock wrote:
In reply to Appleseed:
Yes. There are plenty of real Mexicans around here in Texas. It's like this was once Mexico it something. It was made by Mexicans, bought by a Mexican and given to me by said Mexican when I said I'd never had one. It was a proper tamale.
I just don't think it lived up to all the hype.
Tamales are like women. It's all about what they are wearing.
Basil Exposition wrote:
Nick (Bo) Comstock wrote:
In reply to Appleseed:
Yes. There are plenty of real Mexicans around here in Texas. It's like this was once Mexico it something. It was made by Mexicans, bought by a Mexican and given to me by said Mexican when I said I'd never had one. It was a proper tamale.
I just don't think it lived up to all the hype.
Tamales are like women. It's all about what they are wearing.
Tamales aren't that great, even when scantily clad.
TIL that one of my neighbors brother was into racing in the 60's, was in the Army in Germany and you can see him in one shot of Grand Prix.
4/10/17 1:53 p.m.
TIL that a metallic purple rollbar will really push your car into Headturner territory.
4/11/17 7:31 a.m.
TIL that I need to paint a 3rd coat on the ceiling of our big living room.
Don't give an almost 2 year old a toasted marshmallow. Just don't.
Today I learned that spray paint over still warm welds does funny things. I also learned that I don't care, as its underneath the car.
Today I saw my first new Ridgeline out in the wild. I learned it's even uglier in person than it is in pictures. U G L Y
4/15/17 12:14 p.m.
TIL that the Rustoleum equivalent of Plasti-Dip sprays on real nice. This is actually my first time playing with Plasti-Dip sort of stuff.
A relative sent out a group text saying their daughter has a recital coming up and to let her know if anyone wants tickets. I learned that when you put rectal in place of recital these texts get much more entertaining. One uncle has shared a video from his recent colonoscopy and someone else said it was no worse than most E36 M3ty kid's plays.
TIL that while loading any kind of external content is not part of the PDF specification, Adobe Reader supports full Javascript in PDFs and the developers of some other readers are working toward supporting this proprietary extension to the format.
This can be used to create a "phone-home" feature which can be used by investigators in the local high school examinations board who will be shocked, SHOCKED that you broke their particularly shoddy DRM and will call around demanding answers.
Today I learned, don't flip off dump truck drivers when they run you off the road twice. They're an angry bunch it seems.
4/25/17 2:32 p.m.
TIL it is possible to make over 400hp on a Miata 1.6L. It just takes boost. Lots and lots of boost.
TIL Dionne Warwick is not just the Billy Mays of psychic services, and that she's responsible for a lot of music I know. I feel like I should have known this. She's not far out of my preferred genres. Somehow, I just failed to connect with this bit of information.
TIL that the upper slave cylinder bolt in a Mazda rotary smoothcase bellhousing is pointed directly at the flywheel's ring gear. Very close to the ring gear.