So I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment. For reasons I won't really go into, I haven't been employed for a year. I'm fine with that, it's due to my own choices although not wholly my fault that it's been so long. (Note to self: next time trying to get involved with a startup, the first thing to say will be "show me the money.") Anyway so I'm essentially at home all day. Trying to organize an overseas move (again.) This is within my capabilities. It is also taking FOREVER.
Why is it so hard to pick up the damn phone? I've finally gotten some decent quotes from a couple shipping companies. One in particular I'm very much thinking of going with. I've been intending to call the agent for this company all day, but kept putting it off, and now it's 4:30 PM and tomorrow's a stupid useless holiday. I talked to him already on Thursday and Friday, so it's not like this is out-of-the-blue.
...I just sent him an email. Easier than calling.
Same thing dealing with my landlord. She is from a big property management company. (Note to self: only rent from private landlords from now on. Or don't rent, because renting is for chumps. Don't tell the tenant in my house that.) I had some specific things to go over with them last week, and like a dumbass I put it off until Friday, when I discovered to my great annoyance that everyone in their office had left for a 5-day weekend without even dropping me a warning note. The twats. The person I did get through to certainly didn't feel like lifting a finger to do any of her vanished colleagues' work, so now I'm stuck sitting on my feet until Wednesday again. Great.
I don't want to talk to these people. I hate trying to negotiate stuffy, adversarial you-want-this-I-want-that interactions over the phone. Once again if I could do it by email I would, but that is taking way too long. I told them weeks ago that I was planning to move out on the 15th and they're dragging their heels for no reason.
Now I have just about all my stuff packed up and I'm living out of a suitcase's worth of clothes in my own home, but still no timetable for how long anything is going to take. I started this process months ago, but I'm pretty laid back and don't like to be all up in people's faces, so I get no results. So irritating.
I hate calling businesses, it's always a chore to me. I guess I have patience for only a limited number of phone interactions and I reserve them for people I actually like. I had to deal with something with my bank last week. I could have called them, but, well, the branch is a 15 minute walk from here & it was a nice day. So I did it in person. No problem. If I'd have had to pick up the phone I would have rather put it off until the end of the universe.
Anyone want to make a few hundred bucks? At this point I'd happily pay an agent to do all the administrative crap while I concentrate on the practical stuff that needs to get done (and boy is there a lot of it.) Yeesh.
There really isn't much point to this post. Just venting. It may or may not self-destruct in a few days.