7/22/09 12:08 p.m.
from the ad vw hotrod, VOLKSROD! - $1800 (Bayview)
vw hotrod, VOLKSROD! - $1800 (Bayview)
Date: 2009-07-21, 10:45AM CDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Hi, I have been building this car for a few months, collecting the parts and getting it together. My wife has been asking me to get her a truck and I don't have much space, please come get this and finish it up.
please ask questions or better yet come see it.
email or call, james 334.8080

-So my question to you GRMers out there: What the hell is going on with his front wheels?
those are Suzuki GS rims.....
I have those same rims on my 82 GS650

Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
7/22/09 12:12 p.m.
Wow..that seems a bit, well, dangerous. I don't think a motorcycle wheel is at all designed for side load.
What the hell is going on with his front wheels?
A whole lot of secks and awsome. That's what's going on.
7/22/09 12:14 p.m.
so its not just me. good.
Per Schroeder wrote:
Wow..that seems a bit, well, dangerous. I don't think a motorcycle wheel is at all designed for side load.
In theory, the only "turns" should be from the parking lot to the staging area, then another back to the parking lot.
Yeah, but "Theory" is a magical happy place where nothing ever goes wrong. I hope to move there someday.
Cycle wheels have ben used for years by the drag community. Another reason I prefer autocross.
Tim Baxter wrote:
Yeah, but "Theory" is a magical happy place where nothing ever goes wrong. I hope to move there someday.
I live there. The punchline "In theory, we should be millionaires. In reality, we live with a couple o' whores" is used frequently in the Hong garage.
Brakes! We don't need no steenking brakes!

7/22/09 3:02 p.m.
I know two movies that mock that line.
What no love for the Angle Iron steering Link?
Tim Baxter wrote:
Yeah, but "Theory" is a magical happy place where nothing ever goes wrong. I hope to move there someday.
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, theory and practice are different.