Don't worry, you still don't have to sign in or start an account or any such crap. They've limited the vote to one vote per IP address, so vote at home, work, school, and/or your favorite wifi hotspot! Vote for the Dang Heathens!
Yep, and I'd like to keep it that way!
I already voted, but do you have a link so I can hear what it is that I voted for?
Haha! Yeah, the songs are all at the bottom of the vote page, but here's our facebook page (which has some songs on it), our myspace page , and here's a link to download a bunch of our music for free . There are a bunch of confusing ads on the sendspace page, so if you want to download the songs be sure the click the "Click here to start download from sendspace" link and not one of the several ads that are blinking download in your face.
Just a quick reminder, since a lot of you are now at work with a fresh IP address, vote again!
I voted at work and at home.
No kidding. I'm really curious how the one terrible band is so high on the list when they have hardly any facebook "likes" and are terrible. I'm guessing the members come from REALLY large families. Second place is catching up! Help!
I wonder if something like Foxyproxy could be used to vote more then once...
I kind of wondered the same thing, but I'm not technically savvy enough to figure it out.
I'm reasonably sure proxies would spoof it.
Help me out people! We're down by four votes!
Make that three now.
And I still have not heard back from you about the truck you have for sale! (inside joke...)
now down by 2. Just voted.
Dammit! We're down by 3 again!
2/8/12 6:37 a.m.
Hmm, I've voted once in Chrome, then just tried to vote again via Tor (anonymous browser), and it wouldn't let me.
Verified different IP addresses and everything.
I just tried to vote and the radio buttons did not show up.
Voted from work, you're still down by three.
And again on my phone. Down by two.