I think so, I was about to post and it said server problem and I looked and poof! it was gone lol don't know why though
I never saw it. What's the McDonalds hoax?
I have a theory that McDonalds is conspiring to trash the planet. If you look at their cups, etc., they all say "Put litter in it's place". The only way trash is litter is if it's thrown on the ground or somewhere it doesn't belong, so that would be it's place. To "put litter in it's place", you'd have to throw it on the ground.
Walmart is just as bad....well, not the company, but the people who buy stuff there that they throw into the river while fishing. (beer cans, bags, etc.) Last time I was kayaking the water was clear away from the bridges, but anywhere people were fishing, it was full of junk.
Yes, it was deleted for two reasons; the first was that it attracted a canoe.
However, it was also inappropriate and unfunny. There was no joke about it, no story behind it, it wasn't news, and it didn't look like something that would promote any sort of constructive discussion.
I firmly believe that (like government) moderation is best when it moderates least. When it got canoe'd, it was just as easy to delete the thread as it was the post, so I broke my own rule. I don't regret it.
Tom Heath wrote: Yes, it was deleted for two reasons; the first was that it attracted a canoe. However, it was also inappropriate and unfunny. There was no joke about it, no story behind it, it wasn't news, and it didn't look like something that would promote any sort of constructive discussion. I firmly believe that (like government) moderation is best when it moderates least. When it got canoe'd, it was just as easy to delete the thread as it was the post, so I broke my own rule. I don't regret it.
JoeyM wrote: Walmart is just as bad....well, not the company, but the people who buy stuff there that they throw into the river while fishing. (beer cans, bags, etc.) Last time I was kayaking the water was clear away from the bridges, but anywhere people were fishing, it was full of junk.
I used to fish a couple a few times/ wk at a local 200+ acre county park lake. I could fill two 40 gal. trash bags every time I went, and that's just in the immediate area I was fishing. The picnic tables along that shore were either carved up, cut up for firewood or thrown in the lake. Same w/ the Porta-Johns. It's not all fishermen tho, lotta kids party there at night. I met some of the nicest ppl fishing... and some of the worst.
T.J. wrote: The Mickey D's post is back. link
Yeah, I repoasted my own post.
Yes, re-posted, but still...
Tom Heath wrote: ...inappropriate and unfunny. There was no joke about it, no story behind it, it wasn't news, and it didn't look like something that would promote any sort of constructive discussion...
What the heck? Why is it being deleted? It's as newsworthy as much of what is posted here. If anyone finds it offensive, they need to lighten the heck up. If something offends, just look elsewhere.
I really hope this board hasn't gone that far to the PC side. I mean, someone made a post about trunk capacity should be measured in "dead hookers" while another said that "hookers aren't people". Honestly, I do find that a bit offensive for a few reasons but since it's in jest I can let it go.
It was also recommended to use dead babies. As a father who held my baby as he died I did find that horrific to read. But again I just moved on, looked at my boy's picture and didn't get all bent out of shape.
In this case someone made a tasteless sign and put it on a McDonalds door. It is at least as news-worthy as any of this Wiener stuff being posted.
Seriously, instead of just deleting a post with no explanation why not PM the "offender". If I had known that it was indeed deleted (I thought Tom was kidding) I would not have posted it again. So, it attracted a canoe? I didn't see that post. Tom thought it was "unfunny" and "inappropriate" and deleted it. Holy hell, if 1/2 the stuff I thought was "unfunny" was deleted there'd be folks on here with 1 or 2 posts, not thousands. Same goes with "inappropriate".
In the end, I'm terribly sorry I offended some. I'm also shocked at amazed at what is censored here while other things get by.
Per Schroeder wrote: And deleted again. Care for a third strike?
Ooo Ooo, a banning? I loves a good banning.
The sign deals with a subject that would be considered racist by many people.
I would say it would be like someone posting a fake sign noting that the store will not barter with Jews (racial / religious stereotype) or will not allow Arabs in to keep them from blowing up the place (racial / religious stereotype).
If the sign was real, it would might be OK because of its absurdity. You can't be outraged by this one, because it is fake, leaving just the racism.
"In the end, I'm terribly sorry I offended some. I'm also shocked at amazed at what is censored here while other things get by. "
THIS ++A million.
It was a hoax on twitter that went viral over the weekend. An 800 number to call almost 1/2" tall---c'mon, who didn't know it was a hoax.....
Then he probably should have posted a note about how many people thought this was real. As a stand alone, with no explanation, it looked bad.
aircooled wrote: Then he probably should have posted a note about how many people thought this was real. As a stand alone, with not explanation, it looked bad.
There was a link to the news story. That news story pretty much said it all.
The dead hooker thread made me a little queasy too. There are hundreds of forums out there where you can post stuff like this and everyone will think it's hilarious. I come here mostly because it isn't one.
aircooled wrote: Then he probably should have posted a note about how many people thought this was real. As a stand alone, with not explanation, it looked bad.
Umm... it was linked directly to a story about it being a hoax...
I thought the dead hooker thread was simply old. I've seen it elsewhere done to death and I'm kinda sad to see it pop up here.
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