I have been far down that long dark road. Dealing with unemployment and heavy debt and the fear that money for food and rent isn't going to come and that at my age things are just going to get harder. I talked to therapists and hotlines and all kinds of experts. I had two bouts of unemployment in the last four years. One bout only lasted a day, but only because I never stopped moving long enough to worry about my situation. I broke the speed limit and several traffic laws to get to an interview on time less that 12 hours after getting canned. It was a crazy time for me. The car's battery only started the car occasionally and the nursing home kept calling me about Mom's bill.
I remember the story of a martial arts instructor I once knew about a problem student who was fed up with his instruction, fed up with everybody else in the dojo and just generally fed up with life to the point that he wanted to escape by putting a gun in his mouth. The instructor told him bluntly that if that is the way you feel, then to just leave. The student walked towards the back door. The instructor said, "Stop. That isn't your door". The student, confused, walked towards the front of the building and grabbed the door handle. "Stop", said the instructor. "That is not your door either." Looking around, the frustrated student looked around the corner to the fire escape and headed in that direction. "Stop!" said the instructor again shaking his head. "That is not your door!". "There is no way out of this life that brings us to another world or another dimension that we know of. In this world. In this reality. There is no door that leads anywhere else. We are stuck here with each other. Now sit down and let's deal with this reality.
I could put a gun in my mouth, but that the woman I love would be devastated. My four dogs would probably end up living in at the city shelter crying for me every night until they got euthanized. Nobody adopts dogs as old and messed up as they are. The Miata sitting in my driveway not running would probably end up in a wrecking yard and everything else in my home that I have ever loved would probably go straight into a dumpster. My friends and relatives would cry at my funeral. Everybody I love would be upset. But my creditors wouldn't care less. They would file my death certificate and write off my debt and close the file. My house and cars would be sold off to pay what I owed and nobody in the transactions would care who owned any of it or what it meant to them. Just papers in a file. Numbers in a ledger.
I was then asked what would happen if the unemployment ran out, or if unemployment was denied and I couldn't pay my credit card bill. There would be nasty phone calls from collection agencies and my credit rating would crash. What else? Not much. I would still be alive. I could enjoy a cheap meal at McDonalds. What if my house was foreclosed on. What if I went bankrupt. What if I had to move into a tiny apartment. What if I ended up homeless. What if. What if. What if.
Look for another job. Look for other ways to make money. Pay what you can. Take one day at a time. Take one problem at a time. It's better than blowing your way into who knows where. There may be a heaven or a hell but there is no sense of going there before it is your time. Put your head down. Keep moving. Stop worrying. Deal with one problem at a time, then the next and the next and so on. I went forward and things got better.
The world sucks right now. You can lose your job or you can get the Coronavirus. You can even get fired and infected on the same day. It's dognuts crazy right now. Don't believe its not. I have seen a lot of crazy stuff in the last few years.
We may not all be in this together but I think we all have the same fears. Fears of losing jobs, of getting sick, of not being able to pay bills. I may be stark raving crazy. Some people think I am. Who knows. The only thing that allowed me to survive these first 60 or so years is to just keep my head down and keep going no matter what. Stop worrying and start moving forward....or backward or somewhere. Once you get back up again, you start to get a rhythm going and then you are like a sled dog, not trying to predict the future anymore, but just wanting to see what is around the next bend.