From pre-radio to post-internet. That's a heck of a run.
Imagine how different his experience would have been in a European country, with hundreds—or even thousands—of years of history and development under its belt. Here, he was literally present for the development of America.
2 meals a day? It's 10am and I've already had two meals, and have at least three more on the schedule. Guess I won't be seeing 114.
Makes me wonder how many people are left alive on the planet from the 1800's. He had to have been one of the last few.
My wife's grandmother lived from the time horses and trollys were common transportation until past the Moon Landing. She died at 96.
I wouldn't be surprised if my wife makes it to 100. all the women on both sides of her family have made it well into their 90's. She has one aunt left who still maintains her own house including mowing the grass, etc. She had her 96th birthday in February. She did decide she was going to quit driving though.
As for me, at 67 I have outlived everyone on my fathers side for the last two generations and all the men my mothers side for the same. The women on my mothers side tend to live into their 80's so I'm hoping I last a little longer.
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