I have a MoMo Prototipo with 310mm from 1980 (it´s "1-80" on the wheel so i am assuming is month 1, year 1980).
How much can this wheel be sold for?
Thanks in advance.
(Dont mind the buttons, those where an experiment).
In reply to EvanB :
Well, i saw an identical one, not with original leather and from 1979 that sold for +1000€ on ebay.
I'm going to guess the selling price will be between these two data points :)
If you don't want to set a price, put it on ebay and let the market decide.
Here's one that looks similar, went for $100 on ebay: Link to completed sale
And here's a supposedly rare, although different, 1980 Momo that went for $188 (was asking $450): Link to a different completed sale
So I'd say yours is right in that range.
I’d say the completed sales are a more accurate representation of the actual value. If you’re looking for top dollar, this is probably not the right crowd for potential buyers.
In reply to Barrosini :
That's the point- anybody can ask whatever price they want and just let the ad sit waiting for a buyer, so listings that have run their course and actually sold are a better indication of what the market value is. By all means, if you believe what you have is worth what the links you posted are asking, undercut those guys by $50 and get it on eBay.
In reply to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :
Sure. Thanks for the answer but listen: with dead links and you saying it looked similar takes me nowhere. Just that.
In reply to Lof8 :
I am not looking for buyers here. I am looking for people that understand what i am asking and so i looked for a motorsport related forum.
In reply to Barrosini :
Are they dead? I'm signed out of eBay and can still see them when I scroll down. Here are some screenshots:
You can do the same by searching on eBay and checking the box for "Completed Listings" or "Sold Items" and I think there are more options if you sign in.
I’m going to second what others have said so far, and I agree that sold listings are a much more accurate way to gauge the value of an item. You want to know what someone will pay for your wheel, not what someone wants. Plus, the links you gave seem to be an older and more original wheel than you have. Don’t take offense, we’re simply giving the opinions you asked for. Good luck!
In reply to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :
Sry, i apologize but i did not scroll down!
It´s a pity the seller did not post the dimensions for the first link. That´s valuable info for me though, because 310mm never seen them below (let´s say) 500€. 320mm are sold much cheaper and 310mm, 320mm and 350mm can´t be distinguish very wheel on photos, the dimensions. Thanks for your persistence! Sry for the link related question.
I bought a Prototipo a few years ago and it only stayed on the car for an afternoon. It looked great, but I didn't like it at all. I went back to a Momo Monte Carlo.
In reply to Woody :
MoMo Prototipo 310mm it´s a bit small for a road car. I know because it was installed in a vehicle of my dad and it didnt go well. I now have it installed on a Fanatec base:).
EDT said:I’m going to second what others have said so far, and I agree that sold listings are a much more accurate way to gauge the value of an item. You want to know what someone will pay for your wheel, not what someone wants. Plus, the links you gave seem to be an older and more original wheel than you have. Don’t take offense, we’re simply giving the opinions you asked for. Good luck!
That's what I did when I bought my M5. At the time, there was a disconnect between what sellers thought they were worth and what buyers thought they were worth. There were a lot of auctions that didn't complete for this reason, and you could only gauge the market by looking at completed auctions.
Barrosini said:In reply to chandler :
So, with your skill, do you have a price for it?
Sure, but everyone below is telling you it’s a $100-200 wheel. I paid $150 shipped for mine, same rewrap, with a 944 hub. Nice looking wheel though.
chandler said:That has an over wrap on it also so probably the “original” leather is bad underneath
That explains why it looks odd. I have one in the Molvo and one in the MGB GT and like them a lot. The cost delivered with the hub was closer to $500 Cnd than not. On line prices are in the $350 Usd range and another 80 for the hub
Typically, if a part is in good shape and in demand, I ask half of what the new part sells for retail figuring it is then a good deal for both me and the buyer.
Without the hub and if the original leather is not in in good shape, I would say $100 is a good starting point to attract buyers.
In reply to NOHOME :
You say odd i dont understand why! Is it odd for being in mint condition? I dont understand. Plus, i am trying to figure out if tis wheel is the same rare 310mm momo prototipo that are on sale. This is not a commom wheel, it´s a rare, vintage. I should say, i am guessing it is. It´s rare so not much information on it. Thanks anyway.
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