Ran a couple good events in both series. Currently sitting at the top of the leaderboard on each. The regular GRM group is still quite early in the week so we will see if that holds. I didn't stream it there so much performance hit for streaming in VR in Dirt. Its just not very well optimized for VR.
I think this is the first time I have actually driven the wheels off the car- too many cut corners in NZ led to a "terminal damage-suspension failure" on the last stage this week. I knew I was pushing it, so I guess I deserved that.
NZ can be tough. I find it hard to get into the groove and stay into the groove without playing operation and bouncing off the sides.
In reply to fidelity101 (Forum Supporter) :
The worst part is, you feel like such a hero blasting the inside wheels through the underbrush and pinballing the outside rear off the banking every corner... until the car gets all floppy because the suspension is borked.
I love NZ.
I did respectable, but went off the track and needed to reset on this one corner where I go off every berkeleying time I drive that stage. I don't know if its a late call or I get distracted by something or what. I always just barely slide off the track there. No damage, but a significant time cost.
I'm guessing other people did it also, because I was leading at that point and after resetting and whatnot when I hit the next checkpoint I was only ~6 seconds back lol.
NZ is a lot of fun! In that evo its pretty hard to mess up other than coming in too hot.
I did well until the last stage, that one felt waay faster and seemed harder to get into rhythm of swinging the car around.
I like the GRM event formats, not too many stages. A lot of other groups have so many stages it's hard to find time to complete them all.
I like the GRM formats also, but man the system sucks. At any given time its pretty hard for me to know what events are going on, what cars/locations are in them, when the next event is, or what # event we are on within the championship. I have no idea if the event I just finished was this week only, or part of a 3 event series. When you login via the web browser you only get a tiny fraction of the information and none of the names match up to those in the game.
Thought I'd see if I could do well in the STI even though it weighs more and makes less power.
You guys gave me a false sense of security in the first stage, where I thought I might be able to run away, but you Evo guys really woke up on the 2nd stage and onward. Didn't help that I also rolled the car after hitting the infamous rock hard berms.
The EVO is just so much more fun than the STI. The STI feels stable and competent but cumbersome compared to the nimbleness of the EVO. I think they are comparable given the leaderboards I've seen but I'll choose the more nimble car almost every time.
I nearly died on the first stage on one of those open hairpin lefts. Usually if its open I like to try 2nd gear but I forgot the EVO was a 5 speed so 2nd is taller than alot of other cars. I understeered right off the open edge on the outside landing on a downward slope towards a river. I luckily got slowed down before plummeting face first into the river which I think would have insta retired me. I had to reverse up the hill to get back on the road. Not exactly the quick line through that one lol. I was pretty smooth the rest of the time occasionally clapping the rear tire on an outside wall but nothing too dramatic.
I just crash all the time in dirt rally. I don't crash this much normally driving but I just cant seem to keep from not DNFing ANY event. even the ones I make!
In reply to fidelity101 (Forum Supporter) :
Its difficult there really isn't a great sense of speed so you can't quite go by feel alone. You also develop a kind of spidey sense for when a situation is getting dangerous and you need to be a bit more cautious. Its not the corner that kills me its when I'm light from some humps in the road going into a braking zone causing me to not slow down that kills me. Luckily safety isn't really that slow a slight drag of the brakes over crests can help especially if you are reading some changes in the treetops.
I started a side group no FWD events, limited tarmac mostly RWD and some AWD events. Plenty of rain and snow
one thing I just found out is why I have such few times posted under "friends" thats because its not your xbox live friends its the actual codemasters friends... I was wondering why none of my bajillion contacts never raced any events that I could compare to lol
Just requested to join. I'm already splitting time between PC2 and GTS, why not add another game to the mix?
DLC: Did half the event with a blown motor :/ It really cost me a ton on the last stage.
Whatever the new group is called: I managed to keep it mostly clean, which is surprising for that combo of cars & stages. Most of those stages I have never run before. Fun stuff.
Question for the admins of the groups: Could one of you do a championship where the locations change by week but the cars do not? I feel like it takes until stage 3 just to get used to the car.
Sure I'd be happy to setup a championship with the same class. Any requests for car class? Ohh I also set the championships to start and end at 3am. The GRM group starts Monday mornings the DLC club Wed mornings both go for a week. If anything is different its probably because I screwed something up. The championship admin tools are usable but not fantastic.
Maniac0301 said:Any requests for car class? Ohh I also set the championships to start and end at 3am. The GRM group starts Monday mornings the DLC club Wed mornings both go for a week. If anything is different its probably because I screwed something up. The championship admin tools are usable but not fantastic.
Whatever class just ran was pretty fun. Focus/Impreza/etc.
"Useable but not fantastic" could describe everything about the club championships/website/etc.
fidelity101 (Forum Supporter) said:there are 2 clubs? I was wondering why we were back at argentina so quickly...
Non-DLC: https://dirtrally2.com/clubs/club/232522
DLC: https://dirtrally2.com/clubs/club/245038
RallyBro: https://dirtrally2.com/clubs/club/325746
Would be good to update the first post of this thread with these.
ProDarwin said:Maniac0301 said:Any requests for car class? Ohh I also set the championships to start and end at 3am. The GRM group starts Monday mornings the DLC club Wed mornings both go for a week. If anything is different its probably because I screwed something up. The championship admin tools are usable but not fantastic.
Whatever class just ran was pretty fun. Focus/Impreza/etc.
"Useable but not fantastic" could describe everything about the club championships/website/etc.
Yeah, Dirt does the important stuff really well, and then it does the less important stuff really really badly.
Like doing a daily Rallyx challenge and not being able to see your lap times afterwards. Or only being able to see results from community events.
buttdyno said:ProDarwin said:Whatever class just ran was pretty fun. Focus/Impreza/etc.
"Useable but not fantastic" could describe everything about the club championships/website/etc.
Yeah, Dirt does the important stuff really well, and then it does the less important stuff really really badly.
Like doing a daily Rallyx challenge and not being able to see your lap times afterwards. Or only being able to see results from community events.
Accurate. Also there is no "congrats you won this event/championship/etc." And its a bit of a pain to look back and see results. Maybe one of us should just post the results here in this thread every week. The PCars guys have something going that seems to work well without anyone turning it into a big project.
ahhh gotcha, I am missing the DLC club - I will join after work! surprisingly the rallybro one is taking off but I dunno who warlab budman is but he is whoopin our asses lol.
yes the results and simple things like timing is a challenge for some reason, this part could be streamlined better.
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