I did more testing of the race cars at GP/D and played with adding weight to see what that did to fuel millage and it basically decreased tire ware by one lap. GP/D was much less abrasive on tires than the track we tested on Wednesday. I then tested the m5 and it was about the same as the middle pp race cars.
This comes down to a style thing. I like the m5 equally as much as the race cars. The race cars are easier to drive a bit faster. But are less forgiving at the limit.
In short it us a toss-up. I would recommend we try the M3 racecar but the sound is about the worst of all the race cars.
My preference is always race cars. Perferably ones you can paint and number. The game is full of street cars and I like running with this group so I put up with street cars. Cars on race tracks should be race cars.
When GT6 runs it course, I expect to jump to PS4 and Project Cars. Race cars on race tracks. Great AI which can be used to fill the grid during online races (4 humans, 16 AI, etc). Far more race management options. Great graphics and cars. Superior sound.
Not likely another over-promise, under-deliver version of GT will get my money.
I was looking at the racecars last night and I could not find the base model M3 racecar.
Should be easy to find. It's one of the last cars in the BMW dealership.
So what are we doing tonight?
I am going to a party do I will not be on untill between 8:30 and 9:00. I am up for testing the BMW race car. Also more m5.
See I you can make some sort of series with these cars. I think the HSV is a ringer but the rest seem to have great possibilities.

I have tested all of them and they are fun at all pp levels and for tire and fuel I think we would want to mandate a 100kg weight add then use it as a HC. Or possibly giving a weight advantage to the last two cars. Kind of flipping around the HC thing. Instead of slowing down the leaders lets boost up the people at the back of the field.
I have a "Load failed due to data being corrupted" message coming up when I try to load GT6. Any suggestions? I'm trying various solutions from a google search but no success yet.

Was able to load from a backup.
Did you happen to do a backup of you saves somewhat recently?
I have one that I Was able to open but I'm down about 2M credits (I'm at about 650k). I've got the M5 and 90's japanese cars, what else do I need to bring? Potpourri car?
Yup, I was also thinking Dean was talking about an Base BMW spec series (I bought one also), so maybe we should go with that. Potpourri car would be fun. If they are cheap, get one of the alternates. I am very interested in how the Tacoma does.
It's kind of funny the Stagea is on the alt list also.
Up to about 2.5M thanks to the sierra rally. Are we still doing super small bore?
I think at this point we are:
- 90's Japanese (tuner)
- Potpourri (spec)
- Fuel / Tire series (BMW race car or M5 at this point)
We are being quite indecisive.
Interesting thing is I can't find the base M3 racecar either - it is not in the BMW dealership for me. Am I missing something?

Hmmm, that is strange. That might put a bit of a stopper in the BMW Base series idea.
For me, it shows in the upper right corner of that screen. It seems silly, but maybe that was part of the M3 car they introduced earlier this year. Very strange.
Unless Dean or Argo has any better ideas, we can default back to the M5 street car.
Has anyone tested any of the other cars I listed? The M3 in stock form can be a bit of a handful if not driven with care. The throttle has to be treated more like a dimmer not an off switch and the frount end will push out I you don't get the car rotating. Most of this can be fixed with tuning and since I did do some testing the other night I am use to how it drives In stock form. Where the m3 accells is in using fuel and tires and my testing found the by mandating a 100 kg add to the car really accentuated it outing a good balance between tire and fuel use. Faster long tracks like spa fuel was used before tires but apricot hill with all ots sweeping corners made the tires go away first.
Tonight was lots of fun and we definitely learned alot. The one thing I did learn is that if we are going to up the tire to sh for the ff cars we should keep the AWD cars closer to 484. The Rwd cars I tried seemed to be the worse off of all as every one I tested wanted to swap ends.
I think at this point we should just go with the M5 Series.
Argo1 wrote:
I think at this point we should just go with the M5 Series.
Have you tested the M3 Argo. Don't listen to the haters I think that it is a great car. I think you will really like it (racecar). And with 100kg added it is a fuel and tire pig.
Air if you use the M5 for the the fuel and tire on Wednesday series I would like to use the M3 racecar for a tuner series on Sunday. Standard grm tuning ruels. I will probably lower the weight back to stock and take the turbo off bringing the pp back down to about 568 if I remember. This would help handling alot and make them more user friendly. But we would also probably go to race hards or sport sorts.
As for the second series on Wednesday I am thinking drivers choice. But drop the $$ limit to 100k and have no roll over of monies. If you choose a car and want to change the tires the price of the tires has to be included in the 100k
With the smaller group this season we would almost get two car choices per person. This would keep the cars small and lower powered and give us a bunch of verity.
Another change I would like to try is instead of penalizing the winners I would like to try helping the last place and second to last place cars by giving them a pp bonus for the next race. Last gets the full pp add to there car and second to last gets half of that. Or it coil be a single step up in tires for both of them. It kind of depends on the series. I like raising people up instead of penalizing the winners. Sauce and I have had some great battles but they were then killed due to HC hits. If need be we could then add a hc to anyone that wins two consecutive races or gets a five point lead (the spool rule)
I am fine with whatever the group decides. My schedule is only going to let me make about half the races anyway. I think we should just pick and go.
Ok Air what are you going to do? M5 or M3 Race car. Either is ok with me. I am not a fan of the 484 series. Testing seemed to show that there is to much disparity between cars. I say that series needs to be shelved for now and maybe re visited some other time.
I would like to do a drivers choice as one of the series on Sunday using the proposed 100K limit that I posted earlier.
After that I am open to anything. If you use the M5 I would like to use the M3 Race car as a tuner series using standard GRM tuning ruels. I think we should use the Argo tuning rules for it that basically only let you adjust what is already on the car (including tires). No adding of performance parts of any kind. Do an oil change and go. That way I can set the PP of the room and the tire and it is an easy series to admin. This should make the car much more drivable as it will be significantly less manic than it was with the high turbo.
@ Argo
I see a new avatar do tell!!!!
The way I see it now:
We go with the M3 GTR Base Model BMW. As delivered, unlimited tire, open adjustment but no mods. Tire and fuel use, longer races ~15 min with sprint race qualifier. We can test to see if we can get one of these done in 1 hour on Wed (I need to play with how to set it up anyway). If so, we can fit another, non-tuner series in (e.g. Potpourri)
Japanese Tuners with a 3 point claim rule.
Potpourri (Grab Bag?). I think this will be an interesting challenge, especially involving car choice per track.
If we can fit in another series (will test on Wed) it will need to be SSS. So the 100k (a week) Driver challenge seems to be a good option.
I think we might just drop HC for all races except the M3 series, and do that with a weight reduction for the two lowest point cars in a race (mix it up a bit).
For Wednesday:
- Bring an M3 race car and be ready to do a quick sprint and full ~15 race.
- Someone pick a track of Wed.
If someone want to build a track list, that would be nice. I would like at least a few smaller tracks (not too small) to keep the Grab bag car choice interesting. We don't have to get too adventurous here, there are clearly tracks that make for better racing then others (but we do want to avoid running the same tracks all the time).
In reply to dean1484: We can make the 484pp work for series 8, we just need to mess with the pp for the cars, or just run with only AWD.
Is the Potporri series the one that aircooled came up with?