In reply to 1kris06 :
I haven't jumped on yet, just saw it on the forum.
Is there truth to double transform races?
In reply to 1kris06 :
Now paint it neon yellow. Nothing like stealth. In other news, I own all the comets. Ho ho ho.
I officially own all the biker businesses now and they are all almost fully upgraded. Just need the security upgrade on the weed business and I'm done. Unfortunately I'll be unable to take part in the Double $ on gunrunning sales this week because my next day off is the 10th :(
Turns out the tax return deal didn't have a cut off on recent characters. I got 331k when I logged on this morning. After doing a few odd jobs and such I'm roughly 100k away from being a millionaire.
Yeah, I got 1.28m. Interesting considering I shouldn't have gotten more than 1.25 (1m+250k loyalty). I'm not complaining, these last two weeks of sales have been extremely good to my pocket book. I'm back up to pre- yacht levels. That's a number I haven't seen in a long time.
In reply to TheRX7Project :
Did you do the supply glitch? If not....its not really worth running past meth.
No I did not. I have heard about it but haven't tried doing it. I know the profit margins are low on weed and cash but they're still something. I figured I may as well cash in on the discounts plus I'll get a big chunk back on the "return". Figure $2M at least spent per business.
I've had the forgery since the beginning of Bikers but it has been shut down... also since pretty much the beginning of Bikers, when I realized there was so little profit to be made.
According to this chart here, you actually profit more from the Cash than you do Meth, which I thought the opposite was true. I didn't double check the math, but it looks legit.
Yeah, I've heard that about cash. I've been running packages in my small crate house between runs. I somehow also managed to deliver 100! Aircraft medical supplies during last week. I'll never do thst again. Sales were essy enough, the collecting was HELL. seems as if the missions do in fact scale to bonus, and with a 70% bonus in a loaded hangar at double money E36 M3 gets real.
I've been getting a little burnt out on the grind or bunkers and MCs, been thinking of doing some crates or air freight for a while. Of course I always have a good time doing user-created LTS games (especially Rockets VS Insurgents and Cars VS RPG bowling). I still have yet to do the Doomsday Heist even though I have the Facility.
Or, you know, I could step away from the xbox for a while and go back to building model cars before it gets warm enough to play with the real one...
In reply to TheRX7Project :
We throw in racing. Big fans of stunt and transform races. I'm a bit burned out too, but I like the money .
In reply to TheRX7Project :
If you're looking for something different, I've discovered Subnautica in game previews. I've lost about 12 hours to it so far, probably only a third through.
Mndsm said:In reply to TheRX7Project :
We throw in racing. Big fans of stunt and transform races. I'm a bit burned out too, but I like the money .
That's exactly my problem too, I can't stay away from making money. I can't resist doing sales, and even just helping others do their sales is decent money. If only I had this issue IRL.
And RevRico- I only own 3 games for the One- GTA, Forza 5 and Forza Horizon 2. GTA hasn't left my disc drive since probably 2 months after FH2 came out.
if nothing else, i do have mudrunner to play this week at some point to for mulitplayer would be cool. getting burned out on gta myself at this weekend....
Thanks for your help last night and I will have to grind this week and pick up and upgrade a flying car before calling a break for a bit.
Last night of double bunker sale tonight. ALL my businesses are jammed full ready to go.
Should be on around 8pmEST
Was on this morning about am with SN95 and we got him to get the money to get a bunker and get to the setup up for it and then on the way back to the bunker he just drops out of the game. he was having issues when i first got on, but at least we got hi something to bring in cash.
I need to do some more sales today of things and hope to get the extra cash to pick up and upgrade the deleon later. Did a round of sales this moring for a few hours and some VIP work to earn extra money at least.
Was on this morning about am with SN95 and we got him to get the money to get a bunker and get to the setup up for it and then on the way back to the bunker he just drops out of the game. he was having issues when i first got on, but at least we got hi something to bring in cash.
I need to do some more sales today of things and hope to get the extra cash to pick up and upgrade the deleon later. Did a round of sales this moring for a few hours and some VIP work to earn extra money at least.
Should be on around 7pm central tonight to help anyone out.
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