So lately I've heard a lot of stories from my father about his blue 77 firebird he had at my age and how he wrecked it and sold the car afterwards for $600. As of the time at which Google Maps took a picture of the area in which the car was located, at the house of the person who bought it from him, it could be seen sitting in a field. By the time I found this out, it is quite possible that it could have been moved by now, but on the other hand, I feel it might also still be there since it had been there 20 years before at the least, if not 30. I was wondering if you guys thought it would be worth a 5 hour trip to go see if the car is still there, and if its in a restorable condition, if you guys could give me a rough estimate on costs for renting a trailer and buying the car. From what I know, the frame was twisted once he wrecked it and the car still ran, but since 30 years have passed, it is very likely that could have changed in very many ways. What do you guys think the likelihood of it being there could be? What kind of condition if its been sitting at the edge of a field in Pennsylvania for 30 years? Do you think its likely that it might have been parted out so that only sections of it are left, or is it more likely that the whole car either be there or gone. And how might the frame damage back then have affected the car up until present day? I have a friend who is a mechanic, but he is out of town a lot and it'd be hard to find a time for him to go with me to look at it, if it's still there. Any input about this is greatly appreciated!
Eric Johnson