Word is they got the metro running well while I was on vacation. Looks like we are a go.
The goal is to leave lampasas TX tomorrow at 2pm. Drive to the Grand canyon and we have these challenges plus a surprise challenge to be drawn out of a hat at the start line.
1. Photo with route 66 on road
2. Cadillac ranch
3. Route 66 drive though Grants new mexico
4. Fireworks with a stranger must be projectile
5. Photo with full size alien in roswell both team members must be in photo
Then get back to lampasas. First team back having all challenges completed wins this trophy.
I'll try to update this thread with our progress however if you have Facebook and want to follow along live you can find the page here https://www.facebook.com/CrackAndBack/ they will update that page at home base as all the teams report in.
2.5 hrs in. Had a good start and some good navigation had us in front of a lot of people. Then a vacuum leak followed by a faulty gas gauge put us behind. Unclear what our position is but our Max speed is about 10mph under the speed limit so probably DFL.
Bummed for you, I was excited to get home and read through the updates.
Remember, to succeed, you first must try.
Finally got cell service back. We're limping it back at 35mph. Couple more hours and we should be home.
Looks like the Mercedes team is out as well.
And the van team posted pictures of the steaks they cooked in the back of the van while going down the road. I'm hungry.
Starting line takeoff
Posted by Sammy Gonzalez on Friday, June 8, 2018
This was the start. That was fun. The local police blocked the road and at the next main intersection.
Some pictures I took.
The Mercedes. They broke down and took a $363 Uber ride home.
Our car on race day.
Looking across the starting line.
Looking across the largest windmill farm I've ever seen. Windmills as far as the eye can see in both directions and the went on for miles.
This was the start of our problems. Started losing power and losing speed. Uphill section were 25-30mph and downhill we could see 45-50 these are 75mph roads and the other teams were miles ahead at this point. It would only get worse. We decided to turn around.
Team 5 still at it
Posted by 2 the Crack and Back Spectators on Friday, June 8, 2018
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