In today’s digital age, sharing my passion for paper

David S.
By David S. Wallens
Oct 11, 2023 | Blog, Zine, Paper, Columm | Posted in Columns | Never miss an article

Photography by David S. Wallens

Many of us spend all day looking at a screen–work, school, news, weather, games, sharing quick updates with friends and family.

My personal little break? Paper. Just me and something printed the old-fashioned way.

No autoplaying movies, no flashing bnnners, no ads clearly aimed at someone else.

Nothing tracking my movement, either. Anonymous, you could say.

Quiet. Relaxing. A few moments of serenity.

I’ve been doing this long enough to watch our industry–and the larger world–transition from print to digital. We’ve all been part of this revolution.

But this past Saturday evening, a bit of a throwback in a dimly lit cafe in Orlando: I hawked my zines–nothing to do with cars but my own little side hustle–to other fans of the medium.

I was the oldest person there.

Zines are simply short-run, self-produced publications. The subject matter can cover anything, from the most personal to the most ludicrous. A zine could detail someone’s coming out or just share silly photos.

Print runs tend to be short–from a handful to maybe a few hundred. Some are entirely produced by hand. No ads, though.

I now offer three titles. One’s assembled like a traditional magazine, meaning articles written from research and interviews. It centers around BMX–a passion since I was kid–but I’ve opened it up to include photography, music, life.

I have also written some of my most challenging pieces for it. Interviewing someone about their car? Fairly routine.

Asking a former BMX personality what it’s like to have been living on the streets for decades–while you’re sitting in your comfortable home office–doesn’t come as easily. See also: hearing about someone’s thoughts of self-harm.

Another title of mine simply compiles photos from recent model shoots. I figure it’s more fun for all involved than just leaving the images on my hard drive. I printed enough for those involved plus a few left over.

Finally, and for reasons I still need to figure out, I have been collecting memes and presenting them in book form. Here, I figure, they’re less likely to get lost. Each volume has been limited to 10 copies.

Orlando has a pretty healthy zine culture brewing. We meet monthly to chat about them, with two festivals on the calendar, like this past weekend’s affair, something called B.L.E.H. (That’s short for Bleh, Lousy Expo, Huh?) I sold enough zines to cover gas, food and my toll. I’ll call that a win. Most hobbies, I figure, don’t make money.

Our monthly zine group was recently invited to be part of the Orlando Literary Festival at the downtown library. Maybe we’re finally going legit.

A big takeaway from all this: meeting others who also enjoy print. Most of them grew up long after the age of dial-up internet.

Here, it’s less about the number of clicks and likes than about creating and sharing a tangible product: I made something rather personal and I’d like for you to take it home so you can enjoy it.

When it comes time to read for enjoyment, what’s your preference? And while I’m writing this on my computer, I can’t wait to crack open a book later tonight.

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Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
10/11/23 10:57 a.m.

I always forget how relaxing reading the written word can be.

I'm usually reminded when the power goes out and I have no choice but to read print.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
10/11/23 11:05 a.m.

Yeah, I find reading paper way relaxing. A few years back, I found the hot setup for me: no glasses, no contacts, good light. With that, I can read for hours. 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
10/11/23 11:22 a.m.

And because we do live in a digital age, some related links:



Tom1200 PowerDork
10/11/23 11:36 a.m.

I prefer print media


1988RedT2 MegaDork
10/11/23 12:49 p.m.

Perusing a forum is one thing.  Checking a few news stories, etc.  Sure, I'm looking at a monitor.  Phones?  pfffft!  A phone is for a conversation, or an occasional text.

If I'm reading, I'm reading printed media.  And I spend some time reading every night.

DavyZ New Reader
10/11/23 4:33 p.m.
1988RedT2 said:

Perusing a forum is one thing.  Checking a few news stories, etc.  Sure, I'm looking at a monitor.  Phones?  pfffft!  A phone is for a conversation, or an occasional text.

If I'm reading, I'm reading printed media.  And I spend some time reading every night.

Well said!  Dang the digital I say!  I prefer printed media above and beyond all...OK yes, I do read the digital GRM articles pushed my way, but I love a good printed car magazine with well done photos.  The gloss of the pages, the smell of the ink.  Ah, just a cup of coffee, reading material, and a comfortable chair...

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
10/11/23 4:57 p.m.

In reply to DavyZ :

Yep, there is something about the presentation of it all–the words, the photos, the text and how the whole thing comes together. 

stuart in mn
stuart in mn MegaDork
10/11/23 5:38 p.m.

I love reading and greatly prefer printed media, but I have discovered the local library's wide selection of e-books - being able sign out books with a couple finger swipes sure is convenient.

Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos)
Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/11/23 6:48 p.m.
David S. Wallens said:

In reply to DavyZ :

Yep, there is something about the presentation of it all–the words, the photos, the text and how the whole thing comes together. 

You picked the correct career!

NermalSnert (Forum Supporter)
NermalSnert (Forum Supporter) HalfDork
10/11/23 7:19 p.m.
1988RedT2 said:

Perusing a forum is one thing.  Checking a few news stories, etc.  Sure, I'm looking at a monitor.  Phones?  pfffft!  A phone is for a conversation, or an occasional text.

If I'm reading, I'm reading printed media.  And I spend some time reading every night.

That's me. I'm not fit to live with without a book to read at night.

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