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LopRacer Reader
3/13/12 9:34 p.m.

Rock the Kilt. I wish I could more often.

hotrodlarry HalfDork
3/14/12 8:31 a.m.

"You know when you're maturing in the garage when..."

someone hands you a bunch of safety gear and you put all of it on without thinking about it before you start working on your project.

alex UltraDork
3/14/12 9:36 a.m.

^ Very true. Or, you're in the middle of something and the little voice in your head says, 'I should really be wearing safety glasses,' and you actually stop to put them on. Weird.

Twin_Cam SuperDork
3/14/12 9:37 a.m.
hotrodlarry wrote: "You know when you're maturing in the garage when..." someone hands you a bunch of safety gear and you put all of it on without thinking about it before you start working on your project.

But only because you've actually injured yourself previously, not because putting safety gear on is just something you do (which it is, but we've all skipped it before).

I always wear glasses when I'm under the car now, gotten too many huge rust/dirt flakes in my eyes, and once a drop of coolant, that was fun.

JoeyM SuperDork
3/14/12 8:15 p.m.

Resurrecting this thread because I had one of those days. My passenger seat and the adapter for it weren't fitting in the datsun replica. I notched one of the tubes in the transmission tunnel to accommodate them, boxed it notch, welded it up, and THEN discovered that the seat fit fine if it was back two inches where it was supposed to be.

I put the tools away and went in the house.

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