Hey Challange Fans, So there is one part on my current build that I don't have a price for.
It's a simple mechanical boost controller, my brother bought it secondhand for his legacy 2.5 probably around 2004? Its been in the garage ever since. I finally bolted it onto the mionette the other day but I don't know what value to add to the build sheet. What does everyone think is a fair value?

Anywhere between $0 and $20
I'm going with $0.00. I also have one that's been sitting for 20 years bnib.
I'm liking these numbers guys.
Can I assume a zero dollar addition to use some of this years old oil-based paint?

I'm not sure about the paint, there is probably a precedence for that.
What I did want to say is that you need (iirc) 5 agreeing answers from non newbies for fmv.
I'm good with $0.00 for the boost controller.
Find comparables on FBM or Ebar or I'll go 50% of what you can get the cheapest new one for.
I found one for $12.99 with free shipping.
So I'm at $6.49.
$0 parts from your own stash are what make people doubt the whole challenge. Put a real value on. If you can find an actual $0 Manual Boost Controller aquire it, give yours away and run the $Free one.
Also the current equivalent of that MBC is $58 new. Obviously yours is used but..
I actually agree that I should not get to add this to the build for $0. I had placed a $5 value temporarily on my build sheet, so I find Nocones' value of $6.49 quite fair.
I'll back up the 6.49 value.
Seems like it's worth more than that... the cheapest I found it for sale used for was $29.72.
But I think you'd need completed sales to establish the value.
regardless, it looks like a cheap chinese controller is cheaper but a decent one like that is at least $30 used and >$60 new.
or go with what your brother bought it for (if you have documentation)
C'mon, what's a 35-year old Graniger fish tank valve worth?
This isn't much more than that.
Bill C