New from Gearhead Shirts. Chosen by popular vote:
For too long the tyranny of the sequential gearbox has threatened to take from us, the driving community, our rights and freedoms. It seeks to destroy the schnick schnick of a close ratio 6 speed, to eliminate the need for a heel toe shift and to generally crap on all that we hold holy. Now the time has come to fight back.
Be it 4, 5 or 6 gears you choose, show your allegiance with this "Save the Stick " T-shirt. In limited production (1000 at most) now to help you spread the word that you are mad as hell... and you're not going to take it any more!
$20 with free shipping to the US.
It feels good to be a GRM advertiser after such a long time just being a GRM reader. Can't wait to see my ad in print too... even if it is only 1" square... for now.
I'm always looking for shirt ideas too so contact me directly if you have any good ones. You could make up to $5 a shirt just for having a good idea!
I also do shirt designs for car clubs and websites. So if you are interested in a more modern, custom design for your club please let me know.
Just bought mine :) Nice shirt!
I wish we made black shirts. We need to special edition the Driving Guy on a black shirt...
Too many hours at work mean that I didn't get to see this until after the Xl and XXL are all out of stock... :(
Looks awesome though.
In reply to Scott Lear:
Great to hear. Would love to see some pics of you wearing the shirt next to a car! That goes for anyone who bought one. Just send yer pics to and I'll start getting them up on the site as they come in.
Got mine in the other day, i wore the Celica shirt yesterday, and today i'm wearing the "Save The Stick" shirt.
I actually like the unplanned revised colors better.
So the last batch that we got of these came in REALLY dark and we didn't want to send them out that way. So we are selling them off for only $10. Save on shipping when you order more than one!
Sizes S - 2XL available.
Also I just posted this one up for sale:
Still lots of sizes of both styles available. Plus there are still some dark red cross shirts available for just 10 BUCKS!
STS #1 is back in stock.
Took a bunch of these out to the LeMons B.F.E. GP today and realized how many we still have! Plenty to go around.
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