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JoeTR6 Dork
7/28/21 9:20 p.m.

Didn't the Daimler SP250 use hemi heads.

That valve gear looks clean, which is an encouraging sign.

RichardSIA Dork
7/28/21 10:14 p.m.
JoeTR6 said:

Didn't the Daimler SP250 use hemi heads.

That valve gear looks clean, which is an encouraging sign.

That is another one, but not the one I was thinking of for weird valve train.

TurnerX19 UltraDork
7/29/21 7:18 a.m.

Well the Bristol 6 was a pushrod hemi head, but the valve train on it was vastly more complex (German design) and inferior to this or the Daimler.

RichardSIA Dork
8/1/21 10:48 p.m.

Bristol Six was what I was thinking of.

Not a good day for the Europa. crying

Finally got the head off to look at why No. 4 had such low compression.
Still do not know for certain as I have to lock down the cylinders before I can turn it over for a clear look. Have to buy some short metric bolts for that.
But I know I have a rust line in No. 3, probably from the twenty years of sitting.
It's not deep, "Might" hone out but that is not the way to hold spec.
Thin oil into No. 4 runs out pretty quickly at the rear of the piston, bad ring?
In any case this is not going to be just a valve job repair.

Better news is that the head does appear to have hade some work done, combustion chamber has had all the sharp edges dressed.
Exhaust ports look oily, seems it was also being run rich.
Have to get it clean to see what sort of porting may have been done.

Going to have to find some real money for this rebuild.

RevRico GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
8/2/21 6:52 a.m.

In reply to RichardSIA :

Couple of instant torque electric motors at the wheels would probably be a lot cheaper and easier

In reply to RichardSIA :

Are parts expensive, or are you more concerned about the machine work?

Brotus7 Dork
8/2/21 8:52 a.m.

I think Europas have alot in common with boats. Getting one is the cheap part, getting/keeping it running is not. Godspeed!

RichardSIA Dork
8/2/21 11:48 a.m.

Renault engines are no longer common in the USA but I do have parts $ources from Europe.
Yes, machine shop is something of an issue as all the local guys have closed up.
Combination of newer cars being disposable at 200K+ miles and China Virus.
Remaining competent shops are in high demand, so expensive.
I already have two engines being worked on, SBC and Buick 225.

RE: Electric motors.
OK, thank you for releasing me from my resolution to try to "Play nice" with the EV topics!
Funny thing is that of all the forums I visit this is the only one where EV's are a contentious issue.
That may be due to this being the only automotive forum outside of the EV Fanboise sites where the bias in favor of them is so blatant. Paid content?
Cannot all be just neutral "News" as the many negatives such as Tesla's most recent spontaneous combustion while parked, are never seen.

Time to go quit the new job, work is OK but the Phlebitis in my legs cannot tolerate standing all day. 

TurnerX19 UltraDork
8/2/21 4:03 p.m.

Given the lack of a need to bore a wet sleeve engine there is every chance that no machine work will be needed at all for a perfect rebuild. Just a new piston/liner kit and fresh bearings and gaskets so long as the head is still flat. 

RichardSIA Dork
8/2/21 10:26 p.m.

Engine pics.

RichardSIA Dork
8/4/21 12:26 a.m.

Everybody loves pics.
Got a piston cleaned up enough to read it.
Standard bore but not compression.


acheron64 New Reader
8/5/21 4:53 p.m.

Those motors are delightful simplicity, have done a few renault 12 piston and liner kits with the block still in the car. Good fun to work on.

RichardSIA Dork
8/17/21 11:43 p.m.

Found a guy parting out a Europa TC race car.
Trying to buy the cage so that I may participate in Track and HC events at more than a Touring pace.
Funds are tight and as always he is on the other side of the country, so shipping would be significant.

RichardSIA Dork
8/30/21 5:55 p.m.

Guess I am going to Monterrey to sort wiring on a semi-restored Europa a dealer bought.
At least the windshield is out so the job will be simpler.
I cannot do "The Lotus position*" very well anymore.
May end up getting it running as well, but I am Not going to be the one putting the $1,000.00 windshield back in.

*Basically standing on your head to work under the dash, inside a tiny cabin with the door open.

crankwalk (Forum Supporter)
crankwalk (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/30/21 7:35 p.m.
RichardSIA said:

Found a guy parting out a Europa TC race car.
Trying to buy the cage so that I may participate in Track and HC events at more than a Touring pace.
Funds are tight and as always he is on the other side of the country, so shipping would be significant.

Are you trying to buy the cage for the car with the disassembled engine or do you have another Europa?

RichardSIA Dork
8/30/21 8:25 p.m.

Unfortunately I only have one.
But cages already in the US do not come up for sale very often.
Should be less expensive than buying from the UK.

I will be doing some restoration to another car that is all original.

Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter)
Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/29/22 10:03 a.m.

In reply to RichardSIA :

The other recent Europa builds reminded me of yours, so I wanted to check in & see if there are any updates?

RichardSIA Dork
4/29/22 2:54 p.m.

Not posting here too often anymore after the insults I got for not drinking the EV Kool Ade.

Minor progress in that I did buy a new set of cam followers while they are available.
Some concern they may become unavailable down the road.

Found my Weber rebuild kits, just waiting until it is close to running before doing the rebuilds.

Space is tight in the shop.
​​​​​​​Hoping to pull the engine and trans soon.
Then make a fixture to take their place so that I may still roll it around.
Needs to go into storage until the engine is done, the body/chassis will be the easy part.


Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter)
Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/30/22 6:42 a.m.

In reply to RichardSIA :

Great! I'm really looking forward to seeing it back on the road. 

RichardSIA Dork
8/31/22 9:11 p.m.

Began disassembling the Lotus Europa.
Bodywork is going to be the most time consuming part of this but is also relatively inexpensive until I reach actual paint.
Other than the body these are actually simple cars that should be no more difficult to restore than any other LBC.
Body off will make it even easier.
Still going to take a couple of years.  :( 
Once restored PROPERLY I do not expect any real maintenance issues unless I screw up.



Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter)
Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/31/22 11:30 p.m.

In reply to RichardSIA :

Glad to hear you're making progress. 

RichardSIA Dork
9/1/22 12:30 a.m.

Got the old veneer layer off the dash.
Surprised to find another veneer on the back which will need some repair unless I replace the whole dash.

The replacement veneer I had hoped to use is less than 2" too short.  :headbanger:
I have another piece that may work if I book-end it at the center.
Not sure what it is, it may be birds-eye maple.
It has a lot of 'Figure'.  :)
Currently have it laying under some books to flatten out so that it may become easier to work with.

I already have a professional vacuum laminating system but may have to purchase a larger bag.

Need to practice on scrap before doing the dash.

RichardSIA Dork
9/3/22 9:42 p.m.

Three days working alone and the body is ready to be lifted off the frame.
Factory manual and on-line guides are ALL incomplete as to instruction for doing this.

Since my forklift is out of commission and the holiday is delaying my getting the needed part I guess I will try to recruit some local help to manhandle it off.

I will place it on steel sawhorses for now.
Plan is to create a fixture so that I may use my rotisserie later.
Going to need access to every angle and surface for body repair and reinforcement.

In reply to RichardSIA :

I had that same problem with my TC. I had all the bolts out per the service manual, but there was still something holding it together. I sold it before I found the culprit though. 

RichardSIA Dork
9/4/22 11:21 a.m.

"Never give up, never surrender!"
Have to do this one while I am still able enough despite the arthritis.
I've waited nearly fifty years.

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