3.5 years in the making - this ECU debuts at the Lemons race @ NJMP this weekend! Come see it if you are around Philadelphia.
Well, the car was running, and running, and running. As usual, it broke an axle (that happens at 80% of the races for this car - usually it's the driver side, this time it was the passenger side) but it have finished!
rusEfi is now a race-proven standalone engine control unit.
Has been some months... https://www.facebook.com/TeamEmoticons33/ has just finished their 2nd race running this ECU.
And I've just got a new test mule - now it's a 2001 Miata. That VVT solenoid on top of the valve cover is the reason I've transitioned from Neon test mule to Miata test mule. I believe rusEfi is mature enough to use VVT.
I somehow think that the picture above is going to wind up on one of those "look what a customer brought in" websites.
Great job so far.
^You should probably put an epilepsy warning on that.
Edit: Never mind, turns out I have some trippy browser problem
I'm working on a super-cheap challenge optimized rusEFI board--wait about a week. I'm going to attempt a start on version 0 in the next few days.
I'm going for the bare minimum set of hardware to run a sequential ignition V8.
How well does the neon run with it? I'd be interested in running this on the van and I'm guessing the 2.4 cam/crank sensors are the same as the 2.0 neon.
mck1117 wrote: I'm working on a super-cheap challenge optimized rusEFI board--wait about a week. I'm going to attempt a start on version 0 in the next few days.
mck1117 delivers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJFdp2kSeYM
minivan_racer wrote: How well does the neon run with it? I'd be interested in running this on the van and I'm guessing the 2.4 cam/crank sensors are the same as the 2.0 neon.
How it runs depends how well you tune it - there is definitely some skill in setting the timing and fuel tables.
Here's the Neon on a dyno but we have since parted ways, Neon had to go so that I can park that VVT Miata in the garage.
Who wants to guess what I am trying to do on my NB2 Miata test mule? No, it's not sequential injection.
Something is special about these four wire coils, do you know what? :)
I use a similar Arduino Mega 2560 based ECU called Speeduino. It's 4 injector driver channel outs and 4 ignition logic outs to I run my BMW v8 in semi-batch fire and waste spark.
First fire up and test drive:
I'll be using the same ECU on my BMW powered T-bucket but maintaining the coil on plugs:
RXBeetle said:"Compression Sense"?
edit, SAAB combustion detection system!!!
Ion Sense to be more precise - Saab loved to use spark plugs as cylinder pressure sensors. Nowadays Mazda seems to use this as part of Skyactiv http://www.mcx5.org/ion_sensor-1281.html and
BMW used it on v10 M5/M6 engines https://www.newtis.info/tisv2/a/en/e60-m5-lim/wiring-functional-info/power-train/engine-electronics/ignition/ionic-current-control-unit-bank-2/1qP23f6
These coils do not fit on my miata head so now I am waiting for Ferrari spark plug extenders... Yes, Ferrari has spark plug extenders :) Will post if I get any success.
In reply to russian :
We used ionization misfire detection on the '99 Aston Martin v12. Worked pretty well.
There are some good SAE papers about the subject out there.
alfadriver said:In reply to russian :
We used ionization misfire detection on the '99 Aston Martin v12. Worked pretty well.
There are some good SAE papers about the subject out there.
Right, but in my case I am trying to go the lazy route - I am trying to use Saab magic coil-on-plugs (it's nice that Saab moved away from the cassette) and, more importantly, that self-contained Saab signal processing box - my next order of business is getting my engine to knock so that I can see a difference in signal processing box output.
first million dollar question: why do we sometimes see one pulse per cylinder while sometimes we see two pulses per cylinder?
I *think* the second pulse is to run the ionization system.
In terms of normal operation, there are times that we send a second pulse to the coil, but that's entirely generated by the ECU, which I betting that you are not doing with your module.
So it's probably the system working. To run the ionization system, you need to run some voltage though the flame (flame being conductive, seeing the pattern of how it conducts is exactly how you detect the flame information. The odd thing to me, though, is that the second pulse is pretty far from the first one- which would be pretty well after combustion would take place. But it *could* be part of that.
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