Anyone have news from the national championships? Some times are temporarily here: PF and PR are missing at the moment.
It looks like rain messed up the Saturday schedule and run order on the wet grass early Sunday morning has affected the standings. Notably, there is a Superbeetle in the lead in MR and all the STIs have beaten the Evos for once.
Yeah, I saw that as well. DC's Shawn Roberts had a healthy lead after the first day in PR (as did Andy Thomas in PF) , but apparently with reversed order and some sloppy conditions, both of those guys appear to have been knocked out of the running after the first run today.
The Superbeetle is in the lead because John England can't stay off the cones (same reason he didn't win the East Coasts).....England gets cones regardless of conditions it seems. That said, if Vaughn Micchie hadn't blown the engine in his 924 two weeks ago and had been there with it, I would think he would destroy MR in wet conditions (I know from personal experience)....He is pretty much impossible to hang with in low-traction. I guess if any car could do it, a super-bettle could though....
Man, seems like kind of a bum deal for the people from a long way away who took damn near half a week going out there and back to get 7 runs.....
I am guessing the second course that finished on Sunday morning for some classes did not change the run order. Sucks for those that made the drive. I guess there isn't much you can do with a thunderstorm.
Rain? Man i wish i could have gone. I have the ultimate mud tires. Oh well!
7 runs isn't too bad. I think most years I have been, we got eight.
ZB is going to absolutely insufferable
^^ haha I knew you'd say that about ZB!
Knurled said:
ZB is going to absolutely insufferable
We are gonna be hearing about this for a long time.
In reply to EvanB :
Just remind him that you did it first
I also note that Scott from Detroit won MA (I guess his hood stayed on this year?) and Draco was a close 2nd. WAAAY ahead of the first Evo in class. Draco seemed to be having a major crisis of faith when Jon Trudeau came down to run with us for practice and was setting SA times that were competitive with his Modified STi. Draco in a not-Subaru would be just plain wrong and I'm glad to see it worked out well.
It was a good year for great Lakes region rallycrossers.
10/23/17 8:06 a.m.
EvanB said:
It was a good year for great Lakes region rallycrossers.
Iowa region too!! is going to make a killing selling BRs.
Kylini said:
EvanB said:
It was a good year for great Lakes region rallycrossers.
Iowa region too!! is going to make a killing selling BRs.
I noticed that, congrats on the 1st and 3rd for your car! And the Neon in PF.
10/23/17 1:12 p.m.
Did anyone else get covered head to toe in bug bites and if so, did you stay at the Country Inn and Suites?
Yalls answers determine if my Miata gets set on fire. Again.