I'm deflowering several auto-x virgins this weekend. Is there anything I should do to grease the rails, loosen the tense muscles?
My first time I just showed up with what I had, pounded around a lot and finished (overheated) before the session was done. I can see how some people would want to make the experience something special, something to remember.
Pump up ur tires, look ahead, relax, have fun......Oh yeah....look ahead...
6/20/12 6:46 p.m.
Make sure they understand that Job One during their first event's runs is to STAY ON COURSE. A slow time is better than no time.
6/20/12 7:53 p.m.
Course walk in addition to the above and recommend the Watts book
The Watts book is too advanced for a beginner. Try this newcomer's guide:
Novice Handbook