Paint booth!

What is one of the best reasons for a Mazda5 (or any other type of hatch/wagon/spacevan)? Because it’s a portable paint booth! I spray painted a bunch of model parts in the back during lunch breaks at work. As a bonus, the windows allow sunlight in, which heats up the inside so the paint cures faster, and the interior is sealed pretty well, which keeps down contaminants, and I can crack the sunroof to let the fumes escape. Brilliant!
Snow rally!

The hills and mountains around here get snow every winter, and there’s no need to interrupt going through my favorite roads because of it. The Hankook i-Pike’s perform superbly and the 5’s suspension provides for great handling. The only thing I pine for is an LSD.
Color is growing on me

The Titanium paint is starting to grow on me. It reflects really well, which makes for some cool shades at dawn/dusk and at night. It also hides dirt pretty well.
But then I saw an inky blue 5 and nearly cried. :( If I ever repaint this thing, it’s going to have an actual pigment.
Engine surgery!

Then it happened, something broke! I changed the plugs because I was getting an ever-so-slight hesitation at start and I knew they were the originals (with 85K on them). When I did that, the #1 plug was coated in oil. Turns out the valve cover gasket also has 3 center areas for the plug tunnels and I had a leak at #1. A new VC gasket set (the updated one, there are two) solved that issue. Timing chain looked great, and so did all of the rest of the motor internals. Easy job, too.
Cabin air filters

I finally changed out the cabin air filters. The directions are not in the owner’s manual (for shame Mazda!!) and the internet had me cowering in fear over this (disconnect battery, remove large and fragile electronic assembly…). Turns out that 5’s with the manual climate control like my base Sport don’t have to do any of that! Pop out the plastic kick panel, undo a few bolts, and voila. Now it’ll smell a little fresher!

The serpentine belt wouldn’t stop squeaking and no amount of belt dressing was helping anymore, so I had to finally change it. What an absolute nightmare of a job! The A/C belt is a stretch to fit and the “special tool” that the parts stores sell DO NOT work at all (don’t waste your money!). The fact that I have to undo a bunch of underbody panels, take a wheel off, and jack the thing up is bad enough, but it took hours to finagle that belt off and on with screwdrivers, prybars, and a thin metal shim. The serpentine belt uses a normal tensioner and swapped over just fine. I thought $28 for an A/C belt was ridiculous, so I reused it. Guess what squeaks now? And guess what’s getting a homemade tensioner soon…