Robbie said:wheelsmithy said:Adrian_Thompson said:Who will be making tires in a post apocalyptic world?
Good question.
I dunno either but I live pretty close to the tire rack warehouse so if you guys need me to go clear out the zombies let me know.
Why does everyone assume "cyberpunk" means "post apocalyptic"? You can have one without the other. Cyber punk is basically what Tokyo's akihabara district has become. Take a stroll through kabukicho and be amazed.
Adrian_Thompson said:Who will be making tires in a post apocalyptic world?
The Mad Max game from 4 years ago described how slaves would take strips of tire that had tread, pack them full of rags and other bits internally, then wire them to a wheel that was still (mostly) circular. the final upgrade were tires that were still usable and could hold air.
But that's not cyberpunk. Big thing with cyberpunk is the idea that the progress of tech is so rapid that it's outpacing literally everything else wether it's law, rights, other technologies or entire governments. Also, we are dangerously close to making this a Khyzyl Saleem thread.
GIRTHQUAKE said:s. Also, we are dangerously close to making this a Khyzyl Saleem thread.
Nothing wrong with that.
Might be a much shorter thread without Saleem. Golly he does cool stuff.
These may be too clean, but the de-constructed aspect says something.
How about the guy that's actually building the car from Cyberpunk 2077?
Judging by his little 3D renders at the very end of the video, he's planning on putting this body over an old M/B chassis. This will be incredible once he finishes it.
RevRico said:Oooh smart tweels that can change shape at will. Think the nano tech Iron man used in End Game.
They have those in Neil Stephenson's book Snowcrash....They're even present on the skateboards that couriers use.
Side note: This book also contained "rat things" which were nuclear-powered cyborg dogs.
Everyone should read Snow Crash, if only for the line "After that, it's just a chase scene". Also, the narrator for the audiobook version is fantastic. Truly.
wheelsmithy said:
That looks awesome. I suspect it's more rendering than real - there's not enough going on at that front wheel for, oh, steering - but I want it to be real.
Alright so "Snow Crash" has been added to my reading list.
I berkeleying love cyberpunk, but I always have trouble finding some to read. I feel like a poseur asking for recommendations on fan sites and forums, but then digging through B&Ns sci-fi section leaves me wanting more.
Current favorite is Spider Robinsons "Death Killer", which is actually 2 books in one. I think I have a few short story collections on the shelf as well like "Best of cyberpunk 2012" but I want more, actual books.
Have you gone back to the 80s? It wasn't just a world type, it was a writing style that was pared down to the bone. William Gibson is the best example of it. There's the classic trilogy of Neuromancer/Count Zero/Mona Lisa Overdrive, but his Mirrorshades anthology is a good read if you can find it. The short stories are almost better suited to the form. Bruce Sterling is up there but he's not quite as polished a writer, he's more of an idea guy. Rudy Rucker for when you want something weird, and that might lead you into some Cory Doctorow which is more modern.
Keith Tanner said:Everyone should read Snow Crash, if only for the line "After that, it's just a chase scene". Also, the narrator for the audiobook version is fantastic. Truly.
Just the other day, I was talking about the line, "Hiro didn't have zanshin," and and the wonderful scene that it is found in.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
Oh man, Rudy Rucker. The Ware Tetralogy was really my first exposure that wasn't a text file in around 7th grade. My friend Kevin had the first 2 books and we passed them back and forth most of the school year. I forgot about, then found them again a couple years back and read the whole series. Might need to do it again.
Wow, it's surpsingly difficult to find some of this stuff in ebook format. Irony at its best. The short stories just leave me wanting more, more of their particular worlds, more detail or development, a TV series to go along with, just more,
I grew up on a steady diet of 80s BBS textfile archives and Robert Heinlein, Arthur C Clarke, and Stephen Baxter. The options for sci-fi, and specifically cyberpunk are overwhelming to me, and I either gorge myself on everything, or read nothing because I can't make up my mind or don't want to have wasted my time on something that wasn't good. I really need to do more reading.
Snow Crash is great, but it's making fun of the genre as much as it's a great example of it. "The Glass Hammer" by KW Jeter is great for some car-related cyberpunk (with a super cool Countach cover to boot!) although be warned, it's weird.
It's not surprising they're hard to find as an ebook. That's a fairly recent development - I was writing during the transition, and I think the only book of mine that was truly released as an ebook was from 2011. So you're stuck with pirated OCR files which is somehow appropriate :) Drop me a line if you're looking for a specific title, I have a few digital ones to supplement my paper copies.
Sci-fi can be pretty frustrating because authors tend to create a world and then just keep pounding at it. Makes it difficult to drop in partway, which means you have to find the original book and if you're relying in libraries that can be pretty hit or miss. I grew up reading paper copies of the same stuff that belonged to a friend, and when he loaned me his copy of Neuromancer the top of my head came off.
OH! Burning Chrome. You need that too :) More Gibson short stories, but they do tie into the Neuromancer world to some extent. Also, his "Bridge" trilogy (All Tomorrows Parties etc) is an easier to read cyberpunk, it's softened from the hard-core attitude of Neuromancer.
I just had a thought; are cop cars are kind of cyberpunk? You got radar/lidars, plate scanners, computer & radio stack in the cockpit, blinkenlights...
Huh. Jumped in here thinking this would not be my thing, but there are some really cool vehicles posted. Always like it when my mind gets expanded a little. Good call.
Does my MG qualify? Modern Tech (pushrod suspension, homebuilt ECM) crammed sorta under a historic body?
Thinking out loud here, the Cyberpunk 2077 car is absolutely amazing looking and epitomizes what I think of as a Bladerunner asthetic (as opposed to a post-apocalypse or rat rod asthetic). The Pantera is probably the closest real-life equivalent, and a lot of these rear mid-engine supercar renders look on point. For more affordable options, obviously 80s Japanese sports cars fit the look, but 80s cars with box flares have been done.
What's a more modern (say, 2000+) affordable platform that could pull off the cyberpunk look? First gen Impreza coupe? A lot of the rear-engine cars that come to mind are a little too stubby to pull it off, I think, like the MR2, and most cars are too bublous/bulky in general. Trying to think of something you could put massive rear tires on, trim the rear bumper to expose some mechanical bits, but still rock as a daily.
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