I have acquired a 1988 CRX with a fuel Cell. It is a 8 Gallon plastic tank with foam. It is a "Circle Track" model. It has the fuel pickup on the right side of the tank. During an Autocross, the car will drop fuel pressure for a few seconds on a right hand corner. We filled to way to the top and it was a bit better, but still suffered.
The foam looks new. I jumped the fuel pump relay to drain the gas and the pump and filter are fine. What should I look for in a 8 gallon fuel cell with feed, return and vent ?
Throw some Hydromat in there maybe?
Hydramat could solve it, and depending on how you value the effort of changing tanks it might not seem like such an expensive option:
If you end up changing tanks, since it's an autocross car at least get one with the pickup near the center, ideally you'd want to get one with some kind of baffle system.
Thanks for the Hydramat Tip, I will order one.
I wanted to circle back and say thanks for the suggestion on the hydramat. It was a bit expensive , but totally solved the issue.