Currently at the Rocky Gap Safety Rest Area North on I-77 in Virginia, on my way to deliver our C5 to its new owner, and pick up a C2 for Tim.
I reset my fuel economy meter when I left home. Let's see who can come closest. Here's the details:
Departed Ormond Beach, Fl
2010 Toyota Tundra, 2wd, 5.7v8.
20 foot enclosed trailer carrying 2004 Corvette and a few miscellaneous bits
Towing in 5th gear in tow/haul mode with cruise set at about 64mph, which is the speed it likes with this trailer to keep the converter locked and the trans from hunting.
I-95 to I-26 to I-77. Only surface roads have been gas and hotel stops, which were all within a mile of the exit.
For hills I turn off the cruise and do things manually.
So, whaddya think?

(*there's no prizes)
Just remember, I get 8.5 not towing, no AC, no load, so it could be worse.
Note: one decimal place.X.X mpg
Not a truck and engine combination that's known for being efficient, but on the other hand, you're not trying to run down the road at 75. I guess 10.5.
9.9 in honor of Bob Barker.
You're going slow, so I'm going with 12.6.
I usually get just over 9 but I tow a little faster and my trailer is taller.
I'm driving for a while, so no update from me for a bit. But I'll reveal the answer when I'm in my room tonight. I also have about a 250 mile transit on this trip with an empty trailer, so we can try this again with no love. Curious to see if that changes things much since arrow will remain the same. Return return enter carriage return dammit I don't know the speech to text equivalent of a return.
8.6 mpg
I'm predicting 4.7 up Fancy Gap