12/4/13 6:01 p.m.
The wife and I saw it this weekend and we both liked it. A good carmovie, with fun cars and no one saying things about "motec system exhausts" or "blowing welds on intake manifolds". It's clear at some points during the movie that the people in the movie forget the plot all together because they are having so much fun driving. Check it out. I hope there's a sequel, e36m3 there were what 7 F&F movies?
I saw it on Netflix a few months back. I enjoyed it.
Dax Sheppard is a HUGE car nerd, and his girlfriend (basically wife) is gorgeous.
12/4/13 7:16 p.m.
It's a fun movie. From what I understand, the interesting cars in the movie are all from Shepard's collection.
Dax is a Michigan boy, too. Born in Milford.
It is a fun movie.
haven't seen it, but the reviews here are encouraging. I think that's something forgotten often by critics. Not every film has to deliver a message, political point, or "make you think". There's not a damn thing wrong with FUN!
The word is the Dax built that car, then wrote the story around it.
I own a copy
Dude #1: [Referring to Yul's car] I bet this thing's got nitrous. This got nitrous?
Yul Perrkins a.k.a. Charles Bronson: No. Nitrous is for fags. It's got cubic inches.
12/5/13 5:40 a.m.
Good B movie. Enjoyable time, but don't expect much of any depth from it.
I loved the casual humor in it and the cars of course, it was just campy enough to be awesome. Also a little bias here for being a Michiganer (even though I'm just a MI transplant-er)
I started it, but my wife and I found it unwatchable. Turned it off after about 10 minutes. Cool cars just can't make up for a lousy movie.
In reply to bravenrace:
You should never see the Miami Connection then...
In reply to fidelity101:
Thanks. I'll make sure I don't.
I thought it was one of those movies where the best part is the trailer.
What I remember about the movie (Hit and run...topic of the post)
Beautiful Car
Beautiful Woman
Low brow humor
Now I've learned it's on Netflix (streaming?)...I'll watch it again in pieces while I cook dinner and stuff.
12/5/13 9:16 p.m.
bravenrace wrote:
I started it, but my wife and I found it unwatchable. Turned it off after about 10 minutes. Cool cars just can't make up for a lousy movie.
It starts off pretty slowly. Like they were trying too hard to make a background story, when it wasn't meant to be that sophisticated, once that's over with it's good. I find it hard to believe anyone who's on this forum wouldn't find it worth watching if they saw it in it's entirety.
12/5/13 9:34 p.m.
This is that movie with the Lincoln right? I shall watch.
12/6/13 10:41 a.m.
That may be the most photoshopped pic I've ever seen. She doesn't need that kind of help.
Will wrote:
That may be the most photoshopped pic I've ever seen. She doesn't need that kind of help.
Right? I'm like...everyone has pores. Everyone.
First closeup I found on Google Images, sorry.
I liked it. Guess I ain't highbrow enough. . . I don't raise my pinky when I sip tea, either. . .
I always like Tom Arnold when you put him in a comedic supporting role, too. . . Just don't give him a lead.
I thought the scene when he speeds away from her ex was the best use of backing track ever in a movie. . . "Pure Imagination" from Willy Wonka.