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Tom1200 PowerDork
10/15/24 3:52 p.m.

In reply to yupididit :

I always liked them but never bought one because of the douchey douche bags that seemed to gravitate towards them........I'm to counter culture. Those folks are long gone and the parts availability was to big of a draw for me. 

I miss driving the single seat race the Mustang replaced but man is it fun.

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/15/24 5:10 p.m.

My M5 either gets people super excited or it is just another BMW. 

When you find a fan that knows what it is and they find out it is a manual they seem to go gaga about it. 



My Wifes H2 gets kids attention.  A short story:

Kids think it is an Autobot.  One time I was at McDonalds and a young mom and her son were walking in and the kid (probably about 5) kept looking at the H2 and kept telling mom it was an Autobot.  I told the mom that if it is ok with her she can have her son stand on the driver's seat with her next to him.  He was so excited and she was very thankful.  Once the child was standing on the seat I told him that he could say hi to the Autobot but don't be disappointed if he did not react.  But sometimes he will say hi back. I also explained that but because he was at McDonald's he was not able to transform into an Autobot.  The kid seemed to understand and then said hi and he wanted to be friends.  I then clicked the door unlock on the remote in my pocket so the alarm chirped and the lights flashed (ala VW Star Wars advertisement).  The kid's eyes got so big and he was so excited.  I told him that he had a new friend.  He was so excited and Mom was extremely thankful.   Something I will never forget.    It made my day.

adam525i GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/15/24 6:38 p.m.

One of the things I like about my E28 and it's already been mentioned is for the most part even though it's red it sort of just blends in as an old car but nothing for the average person to get excited about. On the other hand the few that know what it is (or think it's an E30 lol) get excited and throw a thumbs up.

On the flip side when I see another one or any other older BMW I'm giving them a wave or a thumbs up no matter what I'm driving.

Tony Sestito
Tony Sestito UltimaDork
10/16/24 8:30 a.m.

It DOES feel good getting compliments on your vehicles. Both my Trans Am and the Power Wagon get regular attention when I'm driving them, especially the Trans Am. That thing, even in its current ratty state, gets A LOT of attention. It's like driving around a celebrity (the person, not the Chevy). 

This one gets people to lose their minds. I once had a guy in a minivan do a U-turn in the middle of an intersection while yelling "TRANS AM! TRANS AM! TRANS AM!" out the window, almost causing an accident, just to pull up next to me and talk about his '80 Pace Car project. Another time, a bunch of kids were crossing the street in a crosswalk I stopped at, and all the kids ran across except for one, who literally stopped in his tracks to stare at the car mouthing "cool". His friend ran back out and dragged him across the street. A car guy was born that day, I think. I can't imagine what people would do if it had shiny paint. laugh

The truck evokes different positive reactions, but still funny to me. It's mostly older guys telling me how they and/or their dad used to have one, and usually when I'm at the gas station, home improvement store, and the town dump. Sometimes, I get stories. One of the guys at the town dump told me that you can fit a 12-pack of beer in the in-cab heater box if necessary, because he used to hide them in his as a younger guy. Not that I would ever do that, but good to know, I guess? laugh

Even the Kia gets in on the action sometimes. But it has to be shiny and clean. It's always "What is that thing?" and then after explanation, "That's a KIA??? They made something like that?". My neighbor thought it was a Cadillac ATS for some reason the other day. But still, as long as it's clean, I'll get the occasional compliment. 

Scott_H Reader
10/16/24 2:54 p.m.

I used to live in Atlanta and would go for a drive in the Dahlonega and Dawsonville area with a group of guys with different people joining from time to time.  Most had never heard of Lancia and it was always interesting when we stopped.  Someone would always come up and comment.  Often get , "Is that a Delorean?".  I have parked it next to various Lamborghinis at Cars and Coffee events and will watch from a distance.  I always liked the look but I am guessing the uniqueness always is a draw.    I have owned this from 1981-1986, and currently again from 2004.  The Dragon, lakeside in Chicago, and Georgia.



dean1484 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/16/24 3:10 p.m.

^^^^^^  Off to look for a Lancia for sale. .   laugh

Scott_H Reader
10/16/24 3:40 p.m.

In reply to dean1484 :

There's a white one on BAT right now at $20k.  Just saying.



SkinnyG PowerDork
10/16/24 7:34 p.m.

A buddy and I were chatting when I had my Locost at a local show, the car was only months old.

Dude comes up: "What is this? What's in it? How fast does it go? Is this street legal?"

I answer all the questions.

Next dude comes up: "What is this? What's in it? How fast does it go? Is this street legal?"

I answer the questions exactly the same, as if they were new questions.

Next dude comes up: "What is this? What's in it? How fast does it go? Is this street legal?"

Same answers, in exactly the same way.

Next dude comes up: "What is this? What's in it? How fast does it go? Is this street legal?"


Buddy is dumbfounded watching this repeat again and again and again, and me answering the same thing like they were the first to ask the question.

Fun times.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
10/16/24 7:38 p.m.
z31maniac said:

Fantastic reference!

I love when a random person compliments me on the BRZ. 

The BRZ just looks so much more upmarket than it should for its price. They still turn my head. :) 

wawazat SuperDork
10/17/24 7:40 a.m.

I do enjoy the comments and compliments when I'm driving my Cougar or riding my Ducati.  

4cylndrfury MegaDork
10/17/24 8:57 a.m.

​​​​​​The thing I get most in the Monte Carlo is people compliment it saying how their Uncle had one, or their buddies Dad, or the brother of the girl they liked down the street or whatever. EVERYONE over the age of 50 who stops to chat either at a C&C or a car show or just at the gas station knows of a Monte they lusted over when they were in HS or college. Many of the people had one and regret selling.

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