I don't think cachet can apply to a car sold in those kinds of volumes.
What kind of volumes are those? v6/6spd accord coupes have been rare since they came out. Ive ridden in one and driven in none in the ~6 or 7 years they've been available. I think the comparative volumes of the things you are talking about might surprise you.
If it's not worth the money to you then of course it'd have to be a steal.
Are you misunderstanding my ubiquitous colloquial term or actually trying to say something about me? Good job on that one.
I had a last gen '07 Accord V-6 EX-L coupe. It was a great car, way better than anyone that has never driven one would think,
WAIT A SECOND, are you trying to imply that the people here comparing the accord in question to a 145hp 1995 3.8 mustang here are full of E36 M3. Because, if you are.. you're completely correct.
nteresting that the Accord is considered an appliance with 271 hp and a six speed, but the closest match from Hyundai isn't available with a manual transmission. FWIW, I'd bet a nickel that the Accord would lap Road Atlanta as quickly as a Genesis Coupe. Just like the "toughest engine" thread, perceptions are tricky.
VERY well put. Some people bring home a paycheck reading the way people vote with their feet, and some people vote with their mouth espousing opinions they dont even understand why they hold.
Yeah, we talked about that a little before she bought the 3. I don't think she would have liked the Speed any better. Her biggest complaints about the 3 were road noise, stiff jiggly ride, so-so fuel economy, and she really didn't enjoy the manual trans,
WAIT A SECOND, are you implying that vehicle platforms have some inherent traits that dont really change just because you stick more HP on them? Because if so, you're completely correct, and you're also proving my point about how any and all SN95 mustangs are vastly aesthetically inferior to a modern accord, REGARDLESS of having 300 or 400 or 500 hp and ESPECIALLY if they have a whopping 140.
I, personally, am glad the car reviews are online. I read them online, invest what time of my own i think they are worth, but i dont pay for them, and that is what makes them ok. I dont feel that the extremely basic format and small amount of opinion they present is worth pages i would pay for in the printed magazine (disregarding the indirect way that paying for the mag does pay for these too). So i say keep doing them and ill keep reading them online for free, and their main benefit for me will be to 'familiarize' me with the personalities and opinions of the reviewers, which makes me feel more like part of a community rather than part of an audience. As for the opinions presented, i find them most unique in their 'average joe-ness' and pragmatism, which is not enough to get me to pay for them (directly).
I guess it's worthwhile to point out that while i will read your reviews online but would rather not in the mag, i WONT read motor trend's online and WILL read them in their mag, and that's because their site presents and demands too much. There's a whole lot of site there, and a whole lot of content in each review, but id rather read something that lengthy on paper with all the pretty pictures and page layouts etc, while something shorter i would rather read on a website that doesn't clutter my brain with the page having 8 million embedded links behind flashy, distracting pictures, etc.