mguar wrote:
She's a retired school principle. in her 80's with nothing else to do except drink and complain.. (you should see how whipped her poor husband is)
Send her some flowers out of the blue, expensive ones, with a card attached, "From a long time admirer, I am thinking of you."
If that doesn't give her something to think about other than you, I don't know what will.
My neighborhood is all 300C's on 22's and so on. I tend to be really quiet and not talk to my neighbors. We live on a corner and our direct next door neighbors dont speak any English.
The other neighbors rev street bikes all day and night, park with 2 tires in my grass (Thats when I mow ) and have drama at all times outside. When I bought a 2nd truck one neighbor went as far as to call the HOA because my truck was parked in front of my house...where they like to park. They made the HOA people come and check all the inspection stickers on our 3 vehicles, so in case one was out of date, we would get a fine for having a "non running" vehicle.
To the OP: Moving is a big hassle. Mess with these people or complain to the slumlord. Or just burn it down.
Now is the perfect time to buy a house. The govt backed loans and the tax deductions you get from owning a house can actually make it cheaper to own than to rent. Unless your credit is absolute garbage, look into buying a house. Lots of short sales on the cheap out there. This is your chance to turn a negative into a positive.
Mine is garbage thanks to the economy. Went from working full time to nothing for almost a year.. and now only part time for the past couple. My hours are also sporadic. Last week I had none.. this week I had 4.. next week I have over 40...
Since I was laid off, I actually raided my 401k and bought a foreclosure through HUD. House was valued at $130K in 2007..I bid $54,700 cash. It's a little rough around the edges (un-occupied since 2010), but we think it's worth it to never have to face a rent payment ever again. If you can scrounge up enough dough from anywhere, now's the time to find a place.
Gotta admit, tho--I sure hope we don't end up with neighbors like some of you are describing. Just leaving is no longer an option..