So what happened with the PRR boilers that made them run afoul of modern FRA regulations? First, a quick primer on firebox construction and ICC/FRA rules.
Below are cross-sectional views of a firebox and boiler. The upper one is a conventional radial-stay firebox, while the lower one is the Belpaire boiler that PRR and Great Northern used heavily. The outermost portion is the boiler shell, although the boiler shell segment that covers the firebox is typically called a firebox wrapper. The inner rectangular area with the circles is the firebox itself and the circles are the flues. The top sheet of the firebox is the crown sheet. The arch in the middle of the firebox, labeled BA, is the brick arch, which directs heat, flames, and smoke back over the fire towards the rear of the firebox. Those long lines attaching the firebox sheets and the firebox wrapper are your staybolts. The firebox sheets get very hot and the boiler is under pressure, and so if you didn't have the stay bolts, the firebox would want to collapse in from the boiler pressure. The staybolts also have to be flexible to handle the expanding and contracting forces at work. They are typically installed from the outside, then threaded into and through the firebox sheets, and then the ends protruding into the firebox are peened over to seal them.
On a conventional radial-stay firebox, you can see how, because it's a rectangular firebox in a round boiler, you end up with all sorts of different length staybolts splayed out at all sorts of angles to make it work. The Belpaire boiler on the other hand has the firebox wrapper shaped to match the firebox. This provided greater surface area, although how much of an advantage that was is debated, but also, because the firebox wrapper is parallel to the firebox, there's much more uniform length to the staybolts and they are all installed parallel to the sheets. The downside of the Belpaire boiler was that it was heavier because you had to use a thicker firebox wrapper to make up for the loss of strength in the flat sheets, and it was also more expensive to manufacture and more difficult to manufacture, largely because of the transition from the round forward boiler courses to the square firebox wrapper.

The ICC, which controlled all the rules and regulations before the FRA's creation, originally mandated that steam locomotive boiler designs had to be built to a "Rule of 3": The weakest component of the construction had to be rated for 3 times the normal operating pressure. So in the case of the PRR K4s Pacific and L1s Mikado, which used the exact same boiler package as a standardization move by PRR, their 205psi boilers had to be able to handle 615psi. I'm not going to even pretend to understand the calculations involved, but it involved thickness of the firebox sheets, the number of staybolts, the staybolt spacing, and other factors.
PRR was constructing almost 1000 identical boilers in 1914 (425 for the K4s and 574 for the L1s) and so, to save money on materials, they designed them to just barely clear the ICC's regulations. They went as thin as they could get away with on the firebox sheets and used staybolts threaded into the firebox sheets. That's not to say that this was an unsafe design, there weren't K4ss and L1ss blowing up left and right or having crownsheet failures all the time, its just that they didn't have as high of a threshold for total failure as the ICC wanted.
Sometime in the early- to mid-twenties, the ICC went from a factor of safety of 3:1 to a factor of safety of 3.5:1. The PRR firebox design was designed to just barely squeak by at 3:1, and so they had to do a quick redesign to make their primary passenger and freight locomotives legal again (I can't find if this also applied to the H8/9/10 Consolidations and I1sa Decapods as well, or the later M1a Mountains that used the I1sa boiler package). The solution was to tighten up the spacing on the staybolts and to thread the staybolts in through the firebox sheets and install a large washer with a nut on the inside and outside of the firebox to give a larger footprint. This basically made it just squeak by the 3.5:1 factor of safety and made them legal again.
So in 1985, PRR #1361 was taken off it's display plinth on Horseshoe Curve, moved to Altoona, and overhauled for excursion service. The quality of that restoration was a bit slapdash, it never actually operated properly during the year and a half that it did run, and in 1988 it suffered a bearing failure that cracked an axle. It was indefinitely retired and in 1996 it was moved to Steamtown in Scranton for another restoration. This was to be a complete overhaul to repair the issues with the original 1985 overhaul, damage that had resulted from it's year and a half of operation, and make sure it would have years of safe, trouble-free operation. Part of that included cutting out and replacing all firebox segments that were below 75% of the original thickness.
So, what happened? Well, one factor was that in 1995, Gettysburg Railroad melted the crownsheet on their ex-CPR Pacific, causing an investigation by the FRA and a revision of steam locomotive regulations, which were released around 1999-2000 and included moving the factor of safety to 4:1. Another was that the folks working on the #1361 were just operating under the thought process of "Well, the design was safe then, it should work now" rather than doing their math and consulting the FRA. They had spent a fortune on patching the firebox, and were going to start reinstalling staybolts and an FRA inspector came and took one look, did the math and said it wasn't even going to come close to meeting the "Rule of Four." In fact, it wasn't even going to meet the old 3:1 safety ratio.
See, after the revision in the '20s to make them legal again, PRR then ended up reverting a number of locomotive back to the original 1914 design during WWII, going back to the wider-spaced staybolts that were just threaded into the firebox. This was done during WWII, and may have been a way of working around material shortages or speeding up repairs to keep power in service, and the #1361 had received the backdated firebox design at some point in it's life. But the other problem was that the PRR's original design had an issue that no one had noticed: there was no provision for any sort of corrosion or wear. The new thickness was basically the same as the discard thickness. Accounts from those who had worked at Altoona was that basically PRR had fireboxes and wrappers made up for the K4ss and L1ss and treated them as a disposable maintenance part: when a K4s or L1s came in for an overhaul, they just automatically knocked the firebox and wrapper off and installed a new one. During WWII, when they were running them hard, they were replacing fireboxes every 15-18 months. And so the #1361's firebox, which they had spent serious time and money replacing any segments below 75%, actually still failed because basically, something that was 98% of the original thickness still failed, and they were going to have to redesign it all anyway to go to the "new" staybolt design and pattern.
Basically at the point, they had burned through $1.7 million, had a locomotive that still had a firebox that wouldn't meet FRA specifications, and they hadn't even touched the running gear. The RRM made some wacky half-assed plan that they were just going to reassemble it and then derate the boiler to a point low enough where it would meet the factor of safety (ignoring the fact that that might not be enough pressure to even run the lubricator, or stoker, or air compressors, or even move the locomotive). By that point, an oversight committee came knocking, because the state of PA had poured a lot of the money into the restoration, and everything came to a halt.
Now, with the new restoration being handled by FMW Solutions and bankrolled by guys like Bennett Levin and Wick Moorman, the #1361 is receiving an all-new firebox made of thicker material (from 3/8" to 7/16") and I believe they will also be going to back to the revised staybolt pattern.