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Flight Service
Flight Service UltraDork
12/12/12 8:27 p.m.

In reply to rebelgtp: PM me if you have any leads!

Anti-stance SuperDork
12/12/12 8:30 p.m.
rebelgtp wrote: In reply to Flight Service: There have been some nice Yugo models that were not issued that just came up as available. Also some very worn Norincos.

I bought my Yugo for $120 back in 2005(?).

After "bubba-ing" up, I kinda missed having it original. SKS rifles are real finicky about detachable magazines as well. Just a FYI, flight service.

93EXCivic MegaDork
12/12/12 9:10 p.m.
Anti-stance wrote:
rebelgtp wrote: In reply to Flight Service: There have been some nice Yugo models that were not issued that just came up as available. Also some very worn Norincos.
I bought my Yugo for $120 back in 2005(?).

Man my Yugo was $600 but it was a pair and neither of them run.

rebelgtp UltraDork
12/12/12 9:15 p.m.

In reply to Flight Service:

Sent you the PM of where to get them. I have done business with the company before and have been pleased with their service. If you have a CR they can ship direct to you if not you will have to have them shipped to your local FFL.

nocones GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/12/12 10:09 p.m.

I'm very pleased with the class that the pro gun forum members have shown in this thread. You guys rock.

I seriously have been a member of GRM forums for 10 years. In all that time I have seen more gun posts in the last two weeks than the entire 9.5+ years before. I like guns they are great. I'm happy that you all enjoy that hobby and enjoy discussing it. I do not in any way wish to promote an agenda to change your ability to persue that hobby. That said is a Car forum really the place to have this kind of overt pro gun attitude and discussion? I don't come here to have any political, social, or religious agenda driven down my throat I come here to talk about cars and car stuff, and some of the interesting stuff car guys get into. For me the signal to noise ratio on that is getting quite low. I know I know ignore the stuff you don't care about or don't agree with but you guys have really Berkeleyed up my thread here so ignoring isn't really an option.

Flight Service
Flight Service UltraDork
12/12/12 10:24 p.m.

In reply to nocones:

we have or haven't berkeleyed up your thread?

EDIT: Although after reading the origin I guess it has drifted abit.

So back on topic, sucks you can't browse guns or ammo at work dude.

Strizzo UberDork
12/12/12 10:25 p.m.

In reply to nocones:

Well, guns are one of the "interesting things car guys get into". This is of topic, if you want only car stuff, stay in the Grm forum.

Also, have you been to any gun forums lately? It's like all the asshattery and doucheyness of all the vette, vag, and BMW forums rolled into one tiny space. Many of us talk about guns here because it is a place nearly free of judgement and caliber debate pissing matches

Flight Service
Flight Service UltraDork
12/12/12 10:36 p.m.
Strizzo wrote: Also, have you been to any gun forums lately? It's like all the asshattery and doucheyness of all the vette, vag, and BMW forums rolled into one tiny space. Many of us talk about guns here because it is a place nearly free of judgement and caliber debate pissing matches

Shut it Strizzo, your [insert brand here] isn't worth the carbon on the cleaning cloth of my [insert competing brand here]!

Who the berkeley shoots a [put your caliber here] and expects to [insert lack of range, accuracy, or knock down power or combination insult here].

You need to get a [insert competing brand][different caliber] and get serious.

I can change this to cars too!

nocones GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/12/12 10:42 p.m.

Look I get it you guys want gun topics on this forum now and thus far the powers that be have said fine. I'm cool with that keep it in Off topic and mark the treads appropriately and until the cement mixer warms up we got no problem here. It is completely rediculous though using this thread as your gun zone. Post 1 time in here with some coherent on topic thought about why you think gun conversations are fine and possibly suggest ways to self police and make my and others complaints less of an issue and move on. You want a gun hotlinking thread start one. Irregardless of my personal thoughts on guns what the pro gun members are doing in this thread shows a complete lack of class and respect for others. Something they desperately want I and others in society to give their cause.

rebelgtp UltraDork
12/12/12 10:47 p.m.

Uh dude what people have done to this thread is what people do around here. Let me guess you have never once posted a pic in the hotlinking thread right?

Strizzo UberDork
12/12/12 10:53 p.m.

In reply to nocones:

That's what I did, but this is Grm off topic, where a thread about garage door openers can end up discussing snow blowers or shop lighting for three pages.

Btw, I was going to also mention how silly a caliber discussion is when discussing AR vs another rifle since you can shoot just about any round through one from 22lr to 50 beowulf. Hell, you can even get an adapter to shoot .22 caliber pellets powered by primers. But I guess I won't now....

Flight Service
Flight Service UltraDork
12/12/12 10:53 p.m.

Sorry dude, seriously I hope this makes you laugh at this whole thing.

nocones GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/12/12 11:03 p.m.

Seriously you guys can do whatever you want. I'm not going to ask that this get taken down or go deleting posts. I realize that thread's drift and discussions evolve. That's not what happened here.

I guess you guys have your gun thread now.

JoeyM UltimaDork
12/13/12 5:22 a.m.
Flight Service wrote: Sorry dude, seriously I hope this makes you laugh at this whole thing.

We could all laugh at a song about reloading

Strizzo UberDork
12/13/12 8:18 a.m.
nocones wrote: Seriously you guys can do whatever you want. I'm not going to ask that this get taken down or go deleting posts. I realize that thread's drift and discussions evolve. That's not what happened here. I guess you guys have your gun thread now.

JohnInKansas Dork
12/13/12 8:31 a.m.

My wife, browsing the Latest Topics over my shoulder the other day asked "So do you guys ever talk about cars?" There have been a lot of off topic threads of late.

I'm all for discussing guns with you crazies, because we've shown it can be done without pissing everybody off, but it IS a car forum...

Bobzilla UltraDork
12/13/12 8:31 a.m.
Strizzo wrote:
nocones wrote: Seriously you guys can do whatever you want. I'm not going to ask that this get taken down or go deleting posts. I realize that thread's drift and discussions evolve. That's not what happened here. I guess you guys have your gun thread now.

Agreed. Someone's taking the interwebs a wee-bit too serious.

stroker Dork
12/13/12 9:31 a.m.

In reply to rotard:

If you don't have a Garand you should. They're really neat rifles and they won't last forever. They you'll be kicking yourself for not having bought it, just like I do for not having bought a case of German Mauser 98's and Norinco 1911's and AK's back when they were cheap and available....

rebelgtp UltraDork
12/13/12 9:31 a.m.

In reply to JohnInKansas:

True but remember this off topic where we have discussions on computers, model trains, guitars,jobs, personal stuff, zombies, food, stereo equipment, random pics, hot women, animals, video games, random car stuff and whatever else we can think of.

Its a mad house I tell ya!

rotard Dork
12/13/12 10:44 a.m.

Most of the car guys I know are into all sorts of machines, like guns.

rebelgtp UltraDork
12/13/12 11:13 a.m.

In reply to rotard:

Yes we tend to like shiney things that make noise

yamaha Dork
12/13/12 11:13 a.m.

I believe the point of this was to prove to you that it should be as easy as not clicking these discussions, yet I have seen you chime in on every one of them....so my apologies if you are not happy with the results of the websense filter.

Rotard is on to something, everything mechanical, electrical, graphical, etc is up for grabs. For crying out loud, I took my dishwasher apart just to see how it works You're seeing a volume of them mainly because of a few necroposts by old members who apparently love aquatic sports

Edit: I forgot, Kalishnikov......

rebelgtp UltraDork
12/13/12 11:18 a.m.

Holy carp I was so tired this morning I just now realized I left my P230 at home. I am going to feel lopsided all day now.

Anti-stance SuperDork
12/13/12 11:44 a.m.

Maybe there should be no beer threads either because that is not automotive related and it can lead to drunk driving. Also, that thread about bullfighting is barbaric and shows cruelty to animals and also not automotive related. Oh wait, I just realized this is an off topic forum.

Edit: sniper rifle

phaze1todd Reader
12/13/12 11:55 a.m.
rebelgtp wrote: In reply to JohnInKansas: True but remember this off topic where we have discussions on computers, model trains, guitars,jobs, personal stuff, zombies, food, stereo equipment, random pics, hot women, animals, video games, random car stuff and whatever else we can think of. Its a mad house I tell ya!

Ohh! Can you direct me to model trains thread? I did not know we had one!

Edit: Unintended Consequences by John Ross

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