My son moved from SoCal to Boston. It was cheaper to sell his $1000 worth of stuff than to pay $1800 to move it.
Used $600 Costco mattress on FB? $250.
So no one has asked why he's flying back and not doing a sight unseen Craigslist buy and drive back? I am dissapointed.
Travel update:
We just merged onto I-10, so we are pretty much going this way until we can't anymore.
Colin Wood said:
And we're off! Wish us luck.
I just did this to bring the photo over to page 2.
Have fun, post pics!
Looks like you left at Oh-Dark Thirty
All GRMers that live near I-10 should stand on bridges and wave as they pass under. And drop no-doz pills.
Travel update:
A quick bathroom break at the Osceola Forest rest area.
The air feels different here--almost like it's fresher or something.
Purple Frog said:All GRMers that live near I-10 should stand on bridges and wave as they pass under.
And drop no-doz pills.
If they let me know when they're passing through Biloxi I could do that!
Travel update:
Florida is annoying large. We just stopped outside of Tallahassee to stretch our legs and use the bathroom.
returning the truck and trailer to the point of origin might save you a bunch of money. This is important in factoring the cost of purchasing an awesome project/car out here in los angeles and trailering it back home! or put one in the truck and buy two
but then again, there are so many people doing one-way rentals OUT of california that maybe they would be happy to have you leave it here.
also, one tip i just heard about: A friend is moving out of california and the cost for the one-way truck out of ca was astronomical. The one-way out of vegas was about $2000 cheaper. TWO THOUSAND dollars cheaper. So my buddy bought a one-way ticket for $80 to vegas and drove the truck back to los angeles in one morning.
Keep a good eye on the weather. There are places where you are hours from the next little town and you don't want to be the only ones to see that tornado. While helping a friend do the same route as you we reached a bridge and witnessed two uHauls blown over by side winds. Back then there wasn't any cellphone service so after driving about 5-8 miles to where we could turn around and driving back we found them still alone on the bridge waiting for a ride. They had been there for almost an hour and we were only the fourth traveler they saw. The wind was VERY strong across the bridge for several more hours. As we were agreeing on who was going to ride with my friend back to the next town a state trooper showed up.
Then later on I25 we pulled over due to this weird ice/sleet/rain blasting squall thing that hit us. The wipers couldn't cope and it got freaky dark fast. Then just as fast it was clear. But it felt very isolated while we waited for the weather to change.
At the same time it was cool to see different weather light "straight winds" that knock over buildings, and whatever they call that ice sleet rain thing blast us and then look like nothing happened just a few miles down the road from where we were.
So keep up on the weather and don't be afraid to ask the locals what they think about the weather along your route.
Colin Wood said:The air feels different here--almost like it's fresher or something.
Well, you know the old saying: "The air is always fresher on the other side of the state." Or does that just apply to New Jersey?
(Obligatory smiley follows)
Colin Wood said:
Travel update:
Florida is annoying large. We just stopped outside of Tallahassee to stretch our legs and use the bathroom.
If I remember, from the Keys to the border west of Pensacola, Florida has 5-10 miles on Texas at its widest
In reply to Duke If you blow a tire make sure they check the hub & bearing when changing the tire, helped move mt son to Texas a few years ago blew the tire, Penske changed it within an hour but 3 hours later the bearing went out, it took a while to get another trailer & a while to change it over.
Travel update:
412 miles down. We are stopping for some less-than-nutritious lunch. The Florida/Alabama border is so close we can taste it.
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