Good morning everyone, I am having issues with my truck that I believe is a bad fuel pump but am not convinced. It is a 2013 f150 5.0 4wd. The past few months I get occasional pinging shortly after filling the tank. I don't know how filling fuel tank could correlate to pinging but that's the only time it seems to happen.
this past weekend I was 2 hours from home when the truck decided to quit running. I was coasting down a hill and lost all power so I pulled off to the side of the road. The truck will start and run for a second and then turn off. I pulled the fuel pump fuse and the truck won't start at all. Put the fuse back in and it starts and then dies. Also unplugged the fuel pump control module and had the same results- truck won't start with it disconnected but will start and die with module connected.
I replace the fuel pump control module yesterday and did not fix the issue. Tomorrow I plan to replace the fuel pump but was hoping for some suggestions if it could be something that's less work (have about 30 gallons in the tank right now!)
edited to add that with my tuner data logging fuel pressure, I'm reading around 400kpa with truck off and then 800kpa when truck on for the brief second or so
Bump for the afternoon crowd
This might sound crazy, but emissions maybe? These newer vehicles have super complicated venting setups that can get clogged up. If it doesn't allow air in to the tank to replace the gas being used, it will put the tank under a vacuum. If you have a gas cap, take it off. If it's the ford capless filler, shove a super long skinny funnel (like for ATF) in the hole. Also locate the charcoal canister up front and see if it smells of gas.
In reply to Javelin :
Thanks for the reply, it does have the capless set up so I'll see if I can get something in there. I don't know much about the emissions parts but I suspect something is wrong with them because I seemed to have the issues right after filling the tank.
should it smell like gas?
In reply to Rramirez :
No, it should not smell like gas at all.
The canister purge valves were a problem on the Fiesta and Focus of that era, I never experienced it on my 2017 Fiesta ST but was a common issue on the FB groups and forums. It caused starting issues and rough idle at times, I don't know for sure if the F150s had the same issue but they had a very similar filler cap. Might be worth popping "F150 purge valve issue" into the googler.
I do not know if Ford does it, but GM will revert to the high octane maps after the fuel level goes up by a certain amount, then monitors knock and goes to the low octane maps as necessary. So a blizzard of pinging after refueling with trash fuel is kinda normal there.
I will look into the purge valve. I don't think it's a trash fuel issue because it's happened multiple times and I only fill at newer shell or Valero stations.
The truck has an aftermarket tune but I have 50k miles on tune and the issues just started. I did revert back to stock but no change.
Update: I went outside this morning to change the fuel pump and figured I might as well crank it just to see. The truck started and ran rough for 8-10 seconds and then smoothed out. I let it idle for 20 mins or so while I made some calls and then took it for a drive. It pings horribly but made it around the block and back home. I went ahead and took care of the fuse 27 relocation (known f150 issue) and then went for another drive with the same terrible pinging.
going to do some reading tonight to see figure out where to go next. I don't see the purge valve symptoms relating to this closely. Maybe crank sensor? Timing with a quick rev off idle going to 45-50 degrees. Is that normal? I can make it ping in neutral with no load, never seen that before
In reply to Rramirez :
That sounds like timing slipped...
In reply to Javelin :
I know anything's possible, but timing slip on a coyote? Not sure I've ever heard of that happening.
very frustrating situation
In reply to Rramirez :
It would be a failed phaser more likely, but the result is still an out of time engine.
Hopefully final update:
supposed to take truck to shop this morning and it wouldn't run at all. Noticed a bunch of ants on the intake so I took out filter and maf and they were covered in ants. Vacuumed everything and went to buy new filter and maf and the truck is running great again. Never would of thought ants could cause so much issues
Rramirez said:
Hopefully final update:
supposed to take truck to shop this morning and it wouldn't run at all. Noticed a bunch of ants on the intake so I took out filter and maf and they were covered in ants. Vacuumed everything and went to buy new filter and maf and the truck is running great again. Never would of thought ants could cause so much issues
WTF lol. Thanks for the update.
In reply to Rramirez :
thats a new one to put on the list ,
how much airflow do you think the ants restricted ?
Glad it's running better....

The ants were inside the MAF sensor! Truck was running very lean, misfire codes on all cylinders.
An ant sized gap in your intake @ MAF sensor sounds like a problem. I hope you got that bugger sealed up better.
Rramirez said:
Hopefully final update:
Never would of thought ants could cause so much issues
You've never seen a GEICO commercial?

I know the picture looks like it isn't sealed well but the sealing surface isn't visible in the pic. Drove about 15 miles today and everything seems good!