I like how Matchbox uses different numbers on castings with different liveries. How can you have a race with six different City Turbos if they're all the same number??
solfly said:I saw one of those but mehd. Should I go back for it?
Why not? It's only $1. It'll be like having a copy of an opposite outcome Super Bowl shirt, or a "Dewey Defeats Truman" paper.
found at Walmart last night. Was also tempted to get this five pack for the bronze/brown cayman, but resisted. The mustang was cool too.
As I've been sorting these I've cleared up most of another casting I collect. The 83 Silverado was first released in 2008 in the modern classic set, it came at the end after Walmart had stopped ordering the mixes so there were very few of them made. The first two pictures here would finance a challenge car.
the version on the right is "cop rods" which is a Toys r us exclusive. There are military and fire versions as well but I've not ponied up the dough for those. They rarely come up for sale.
next is the most expensive version, I've had three of these sold and traded as their values increased. I've thought of selling this one to finance some real car stuff but haven't yet. The RedLineClub version is a beauty, chrome over green
the version on the right was a Walmart exclusive
Next are the two color ways of the basics race team, blue was everywhere and the black was Walmart exclusive
Next are a couple cool ones, these have metal bases and weigh a ton (for a hot wheels), the Hot Ones and the cars of the 80's were both tough finds, pretty sure the 80's were Walmart exclusive
Basics in two colors, both were available everywhere
Next are basics, regular and treasure hunt
Next is the same version different colorway. The right was a Walmart exclusive "road trippin'"
Next are some more basics, the white version was a KDay exclusive
The 80's was Target, the 100 Years of Chevy was walmart
Then the Trucks Walmart exclusive and a basic from last year.
There are a few I haven't found carded ones in my boxes yet, a Walmart exclusive "camouflage edition", the Edelbrock version from Slick Rides, and the Borla from pop culture a few years ago.
There are also some that never came on cards,
the left version was in a display case from Amazon and HWC and the right one was in a 5 pack. There is also a new Pop Culture version coming yet in 2020 which I'm looking forward to and a Convention car from a few years ago that I've not bought yet.
The prices have been scooting up for a few years, some are just silly though. $900-1100 for that RLC is ridiculous.
Finally found one of the art car foxbodys then seen the matchbox 5 pack with the notchback in it and had to have it too. Don't care about anything other then the mustang and wagon so a 5 pack was meh
I have been pulling errors out of the boxes as I go so I thought I'd show some of what I look for.
Collecting errors is fun but you can get dragged into the minutiae if you aren't careful, here are a few out of the 83 Silverado box
first up is what we call a "breezy". No windows
a bad tampo strike
if you don't know the graphics are put on by a process called tampo press, it's not painted as much as stamped with the graphic so in this case either the tampo wasn't fully inked or it didn't get fully pressed.
and a wrong wheel
this ones neat cause it's the wrong size as well, usually they match size because of the way the assembly line works.
next are some chassis alignment issues, these are separate trucks
This is an entire missing axle which is not very common at all, thinking of how many different piece they put out the QC is astoundingly high
I love this one, a melted grill!
want to see more? There are some really neat errors and that doesn't start with variations
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