In reply to Chadeux:
That weird Aussie 9 bolt?
In reply to Knurled:
Yes. I'm told it's good but it sounds like it's gonna be a pain if I ever need parts.
In reply to Chadeux:
It IS good. We've seen them live just fine behind supercharged small blocks that would have annihilated a 7.625 10-bolt.
Edited, because I forgot about the Grand National's 8.5" 10-bolt, which seems to live okay up to the 600-700hp level.
While I'm editing, I'm in the middle of an engine refresh on a 1000hp 4th-gen that has some sort of morphodited 14-bolt... and a 4L60. Which is living just fine behind a twin turbo stroker LS. And then the Internet exploded in nerdrage
I can use emoji in the terminal. I even put a bunch of emoji in a text file and went after it with various GNU tools.
I mean, sure, it's all just unicode, but dang.
TIL that when HP Tuners says "Some operating systems use the secondary VE table when there is a MAF fault", they aren't kidding. And failing out the MAF is the first step when tuning VE.
At least I only beat my head against that wall once before I realized why making huge bites out of the (main) table was having no effect.
TIL how to tension my torsion springs in my 16'garage door after I almost dumped the whole mess on the 'V' this past weekend.....95+degrees in closed grosh....automotive sweat lodge anyone? Oh and Ytube saved my ARSE!!
In reply to 759NRNG:
That sounds like it could have been much worse than me dropping a garage door on the back window of my '86 Firebird. (This is a thing that ALMOST happened and why the shop of horrors doesn't currently have a door on it)
Today I learned autocross sucks, rally cross rules.
It's WAY more fun coming in last after sliding around on dirt all day than it is coming in last trying to slide on pavement.
TIL that my coworkers girlfriend is an honest to goodness "reptilians control the government, flat earther, the eclipse (as it was happening) is a hoax, meditates 15 minutes a day to "cleanse her body of bad energy so she won't get cancer", everything is energy nutjob!
I offered to let her use my welding hood to look at the eclipse and she just said "no thanks, I don't believe in it. You are only seeing what you want to see"
TIL that my oil change and 10k mi service are included in the purchase price of the car. Guess I should've asked that last year when we bought the car. Not sure what else is covered. I guess I'll find out next year.
dean1484 wrote: Shingling a shed is a lot like yoga.
I really have no desire to do either, and when I do people see more of my butt than they'd like.
TIL if you're nice to the road construction crew that is rebuilding the dead road you live on, likw wave and smile even when you are running late and you have to wait a couple minutes for a piece of machinery to move. If you do this, you might come home to a couple massive scoups of extra gravel nicely graded over you 500' driveway. Score for me!
In reply to Jumper K. Balls:
You can turn that around and tell her she is only saying what she wants to hear. Blow her berkeleying mind.
In reply to RevRico:
Welcome to rallycross, home of the dirty, dirty cone. Be sure to check your air filter for dirt and vegetation.
EastCoastMojo wrote: In reply to Jumper K. Balls: You can turn that around and tell her she is only saying what she wants to hear. Blow her berkeleying mind.
Oddly enough, it would be the bald faced truth, too.
It's the same mindset that makes otherwise sane people say that the Moon landing was a hoax, or that the 9/11 attack didn't happen, or any other kind of denialism. There's a lot of interesting stuff written about the mindset, actually. It generally boils down to an inferiority complex and a need to make oneself feel superior.
TIL that if you're shaking off some sort of deep chest cold, spraying most of a can of carb cleaner on a steering box to degunk it, then spraying it with clear paint to keep the now degunked nonrusty 36 year old iron from rusting, then continuing to work in that enclosed space putting the udnerdash stuff together...
Is a Bad Idea.
I'll put the steering box in tomorrow.
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