Driven5 said:
Unless moving substantially later in the evening, which I don't think East coasters would appreciate, is there any appetite for discussing alternate days? I have family obligations on Wednesdays specifically (kid extracurricular) that would preclude me from being able participate.
We use to do a Sunday night thing that was much more casual. We had some really great racing. We also were free to try stuff that was a bit different. Usually they were shorter races similar to what we do for the test sessions between seasons. I would be up for that but with my schedual I could not commit to being there every night.
I'm down for additional days at a different time. Earlier generally doesn't work for me. Later works sometimes.
4/4/23 7:25 p.m.
I was able to get on the server a little while ago, so it appears to be working now. Maybe it was on my end? Who knows...
Good racing last night!! Now we need chose the car for the next series. I am leaning towards the NA Miata. I like that it has a little bit of slipping and sliding while still being a slow car.
I had the idea that we could do a stepped Miata series. Three races with each car. We start with the NA. Then the NC and cap it off with the Spec Miata. 9 races total.
The Porsche is fun but I think it would get frustrating with its propensity to step the back end out. It is also a fast car. Last night I noticed it was one of the fastest in a strait line.
If people want we can run a 4 race series and then move on to another car then.
If we did this I would do a stepped HC making the first HC a big hit or maybe going back to 3rd place with the HC 40kg for first 30kg for 2nd and 20kg for third. 4th place and below you get 20 kg removed. This would even up the field quickly.
Anyway post up what car you want for the next series. I am not opposed to the NC or the 86 or the Pacer.
4/6/23 9:31 a.m.
Do you mean the ND (is there an NC in the game?) Miata?
I still think the NA Miata is terrible and has none of the characteristics that make a real NA Miata fun to drive. That said, for a progressive Miata series, I'd recommend NA, ND then MX-5 Cup. Two races (race nights) each, so that's six weeks. NA races should be on shorter tracks.
I found the Porsche far less frustrating than the NA Miata. It's got some quirks, but I think with some practice it will actually be a fun car to drive.
For the cars we drove last night, my top four in order are:
1 - Benz 190 Evo
2 - AE86 (I think a lot of folks left before we got to it)
3 - Porsche Cayman
4 - Mustang Boss R
Testing sounds like it was fun. Sorry I missed it. Last night was tentative for me but I got a date night with my wife so it was a good trade. Looking forward to returning next Wednesday.
Although now I want to see if there is an NC we could use. It may be the perfect balance. Between the two.
Some (smaller ) track suggestions: Thunderhill (I have newer, better version, even a green version), Cadwell Park (a classic small track in England), Limerock, Bridgehampton (found and old arial view of it)
Anyone else have any local or small tracks they can suggest?

Shannonville Motorsport Park or Mosport Park. Both Canadian tracks
My vote is OLOA tracks. If there is a way our cheeky and fun shenanigans can translate to real motorsports...
Season # 9 is starting this Wednesday. The track is going to be Red Bull Ring short. It is a Kunos track so no download is required. The following link is to the car pack that has the car for the next season. Everyone needs to download it and install it ahead of time as it is approx 500MB.
4/11/23 12:02 a.m.
Are we using the Kunos stock NA on Wednesday, or one of the cars from the linked file? If so, which one?
Rodan said:
Are we using the Kunos stock NA on Wednesday, or one of the cars from the linked file? If so, which one?
Load up the pack on your PC then go to the server. It is the stock NB from the pack but I had to download the whole pack for it to work. I think some of the physics are borrowed from another car in the pack.
We were testing last night on RBR short and according to Prodarwin, the NB is the same or maybe a little faster than the ND we tested. I really like the driving physics of the car. There are some minimal adjustments to the car that you can make. Obviously, we are using the stickiest tires (slider all the way to the right for the tire selection). The big advantage to this NB over the NA we tested is it has better tires than the NA making it a better driving experience.
If someone can separate the car from the pack we can re-host that.
@ Aircooled
We will need your talents for creating liveries as there is only one livery with this car.
OK, I will take a look tonight. Which version of the car are we using? The NA?
In reply to aircooled :
It is an NB - I don't remember exactly the name from the car pack I found but if you download the car pack and install it then go to the server I have up it will show you the one I am using.
It is much better than the NA. About 7 seconds faster than the NA we tested at RBR short. It has better tires and a bit more power. It is a nice blend of the NA and the ND we tested.
4/11/23 2:52 p.m.
I think it's the stock NB Mazdaspeed. It's the only stock NB in that car pack.
That explains why my time on RBR was almost the same as with the ND
I will be on later tonight testing more and generally practicing for the next series
The car from the Miata Pack is the "Mazda NB8C 1800 Speed"
The server was down. Looks like it restarted for some reason. Anyway, it is back up now. I will be on for a while testing.
I don't see a way to change the hardtop or rim colors on this one, but it should work.
Anyone have a number preferences for their cars?

Air this is the car revised to fix an issue with the Toe.
Everyone should download this. It is now what is running on the server.
If you have previously installed the pack then install this and when prompted over right the files.
New Revised NB Miata (Toe Fixed)
I'm in for the season opener tonight! Air, if you have any dental themed liveries they would be greatly appreciated. I'll be downloading the car pack about an hour before race time, not sure if that has any effect on the liveries.