Apr 29, 2009 update on mith612's 1971 Opel Ascona 1900

The Donor, part 2

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So the Geo Tracker is a bust.


Spent most of the day yesterday pulling everything off the truck so that the engine could eventually be pulled. Out came the dash and all the wiring behind it and in the engine bay. The power steering pump and hoses came out too. Taking lots of photos, I labeled parts of the wiring harness so I could remember what it went to when it was time to reassemble in the Opel. Today was more grunt work, pulling the radiator and trying to removing the transmission mounts.

As I was taking a short break, I took a look over the engine bay. I remarked to myself about the location of the oil filter and how oil changes should be relatively easy once everything is said and done. That’s when I noticed something bad.

Right next to the filter, a nice hole had been opened in the block. Just about an inch around, right between the filter and the motor mount. So the short block is junk. At this point I’m a bit frustrated with the Tracker and the previous owner, but I guess throwing a rod would explain why it wouldn’t crank …


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