Recognizing his own automotive perspectives and desires have changed over time, Publisher Emeritus Tim Suddard knew it was time to hand over the reins.
A new company workshop means bigger projects, more content and the opportunity to train the next generation of staff.
Over the past 40 years of project cars, Publisher Tom Suddard has been helping out practically since the day he was born. Here are the biggest lessons he's learned.
If a cool soundtrack can bring you closer to a movie or TV show, can the same be said of a car?
What do you think we'll be racing in 20 years?
Want to be that race car driver, that artist, that rock star or–God forbid–a magazine editor? Just go do it.
Can a paint pen indicate a loose fastener? Yes, but we've found a solution that's better dedicated to the task: Tamper detection paste.
Where can a road racer learn better car control? Try autocross, says pro driver and GRM contributor Randy Pobst.
Sure, this Chevrolet Blazer EV.R is a prototype NASCAR stock car, but is it a sign of what’s to come in motorsport?
You can learn a lot over 30 years. Here are some of the lessons Editorial Director David S. Wallens has learned after three decades of working at Grassroots Motorsports.