Started on Aug. 8 by T.J.

2005 Mazda Mazdaspeed Miata

Car is bone stock - except for the wheels. I have the stock 17” Racing Hart wheels, but now have a set of 15” Kosei K! TS wheels. I’ve fought the urge to mod it for so long that now I am going to keep it stock. Take a normal NB and upgrade the suspension and add some boost and this is what you get. The factory did a very conservative build, but it is still fun.

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Aug. 30

Ignore this.

Nov. 21
almost 50,000 miles

I am nearing 50,000 miles on this car. This is the best car I’ve ever …

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Nov. 21, 2009, 6:15 p.m.

Good color. These cars are great. I had a 2000 miata that I bought brand new. 2 miles on it when I picked it up on a Friday night. I think that by Sunday I had put a thousand on it :)

March 31, 2010, 7:27 a.m.

I took the plastic engine undertray off a couple weekends ago just because. Cleaned some road grit out from under the steering rack. That plastic piece was fun to put back in place. The whole time I was under this car I just kepth thinking how much easier it is to work on old cars even if they may have rust and a lot more dirt/grease - the Mini and the BMW don't have silly plastic covers to make me curse while laying on the garage floor - I guess this is supposed to help with gas mileage and aero.

Oct. 26, 2010, 4:07 p.m.

I'm still thoroughly impressed with Mazda to ever boost a Miata. Very nice! (now they just need to bring back the RX7!!!)

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